Saturday, November 20, 2004

France has Joined the Axis of Evil

A few more pieces of evidence:

* The French are fighting in Iraq after all - for the enemy.

The BBC reports that three Frenchmen died fighting for the terrorists in Iraq. At least a dozen other Frenchmen have traveled to Iraq to join the insurgency, but this report is probably grossly underestimated. (Hat Tip: Captain Ed)

* The Jerusalem Post reports the following:

"In a move that angered French Jews, the French broadcasting authority (CSA) announced on its site Friday that it has finalized an agreement with Hizbullah's Al-Manar television, allowing the controversial anti-Israel broadcaster to remain on the airwaves in France.

"In January 2003, over the Muslim festive season of Ramadan, Al-Manar broadcast Al-Shatat, meaning Diaspora, which portrayed the history of Jews and Zionism from 1812 till 1948. Based on the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Syrian-produced program alludes to a Jewish conspiracy for world domination, inspired by the Talmud, and shows, among other incitement-charged scenes, a group of Jews, acting on the orders of a rabbi, killing a Christian toddler to use his blood in baking matzots for Passover.

"[S]ome programming broadcast on Al-Manar 'depicts violence toward civilian populations in a favorable light,' and could incite hatred among religious or national groups and 'bring trouble to the public order.'"

"Representatives of Jewish organizations in France were outraged by the agreement.

"'This is very serious for France's Jewish community ... these terrorists are used to the worst kind of lies,' said Roger Cukierman, CRIF president. 'These are people that we should not be dealing with. I feel the attitude of the French government in this affair is distressing. We are scandalized by the total redirection in the position of the CSA.'"

In light of the long, disgusting French tradition of anti-Semitism, they really shouldn't be.

* The Middle East Media Research Institute reports that Ba'athism has found a new home:

"With the defeat of the Saddam Hussein regime on April 9, 2003, the Ba'th ruling party was outlawed and a committee for the de-Ba'thification of Iraq was established. However, the Ba'th's propaganda machine appears to have found a new abode in Paris, France, whence threats to the U.S. are issued regularly in three languages - English, French, and Spanish.

"The resurrection of the Ba'th Party on French soil was further strengthened by France's proposal that representatives of 'la resistance' should participate in any future conference that will be convened to discuss the future of Iraq. This position was clearly stated by Michel Barnier, the French Foreign Minister, in an interview with the French TV station France Inter. In the interview, Mr. Barnier called for a political process in Iraq that would include 'a number of groups and people who have today opted for the path of resistance through the use of weapons.'"

* Another Jerusalem Post piece lays out Black Jacques Chirac's global ambitions thusly:

"Chirac's statement exposes, once again, France's main interest in international affairs today. To wit: France wishes only to box in the US to the point that the Americans will not be able to continue to fight the war against terrorism. The French do this not because they necessarily like terrorists. They do this because as Chirac has said many times, he views the central challenge of our time as developing a 'multipolar' world. France's obsession with multipolarity stems from Chirac's perception that his country's primary aim is not to free the world from Islamic terror, but to weaken the US."

And to think that John Kerry was going to kiss the ass of this abruti poignardant-arrière.

It's a pity we couldn't have defeated Nazi Germany without liberating France. These days the difference between the two is getting smaller and smaller all the time.