Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Eason Jordan pulls a Kerry

Rony Abovitz shows how the American media is "supporting the troops" at the Davos conference:

During one of the discussions about the number of journalists killed in the Iraq War, Eason Jordan [chief news executive of CNN] asserted that he knew of 12 journalists who had not only been killed by U.S. troops in Iraq, but they had in fact been targeted. He repeated the assertion a few times, which seemed to win favor in parts of the audience (the anti-US crowd) and cause great strain on others.

Due to the nature of the forum, I was able to directly challenge Eason, asking if he had any objective and clear evidence to backup these claims, because if what he said was true, it would make Abu Ghraib look like a walk in the park. David Gergen was also clearly disturbed and shocked by the allegation that the U.S. would target journalists, foreign or U.S. He had always seen the U.S. military as the providers of safety and rescue for all reporters.

Eason seemed to backpedal quickly, but his initial statements were backed by other members of the audience (one in particular who represented a worldwide journalist group). The ensuing debate was (for lack of better words) a real "shitstorm". What intensified the problem was the fact that the session was a public forum being taped on camera, in front of an international crowd. The other looming shadow on what was going on was the presence of a U.S. Congressman [Barney Frank] and a U.S. Senator [Chris Dodd] in the middle of some very serious accusations about the U.S. military.

To be fair (and balanced), Eason did backpedal and make a number of statements claiming that he really did not know if what he said was true, and that he did not himself believe it. But when pressed by others, he seemed to waver back and forth between what might have been his beliefs and the realization that he had created a kind of public mess. His statements, his reaction, and the reaction of all in attendance left me perplexed and confused.

The description of same doesn't leave me perplexed or confused in the slightest. I'll tell you exactly what happened. Eason Jordan tried to take the Iraqi election off the front pages by making the single most vicious, slanderous, scurrilous slur against American servicepeople since John Kerry testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee thirty-four years ago. You can tell from his "wavering" how completely full of crap he is, and how he was relying upon the America-haters in the audience to keep from losing his nerve.

Abovitz is calling on Frank and Dodd to get to the bottom of Jordan's story - if there's something to it, investigate. If it isn't, CNN ought to clear up why their head man is spreading horrifying rumors around about U.S. troops.

I couldn't disagree more. It would be unspeakably appalling to even dignify this blood libel with an "investigation," even to call Jordan's bluff. And to actually suggest that two Democrats be entrusted with this, as though they were actually responsible adults, ought to be a complete non-starter. C'mon, are you kidding me? Is their a Donk this side of Joe Lieberman with a pulse who wouldn't be overpowered by orgasmic spasms at the prospect of a congressional probe into whether or not the Bush Administration is offing reporters - presumably to suppress "all the bad news" from Iraq?

Jordan deserves to be thrown out of CNN on his lying ass. Failing that he should be mercilessly vilified throughout the blogosphere until he bitterly regrets the day he even booked his flight to Davos, Switzerland.

[Hat tip: TKS]

UPDATE: Looks like I owe Barney Frank an apology.

Now THERE's a keystroke combination I would never have predicted would come from my fingertips....

UPDATE II: Captain Ed is all over EJ like Clinton DNA on a Gap dress.

The vilification is underway (hee hee!).