Monday, February 21, 2005

George Patton She Ain't

Looks like Hillary Clinton is going to have to work on her sabre-rattling quite a bit if she expects to be taken seriously in 2008:

New York Senator Hillary Clinton hoped that her trip to Iraq this weekend would help convince Americans she's tough enough to take over as commander in chief. But during an interview on Meet the Press Sunday morning, Clinton sounded reluctant to even consider using military force to stop Iran from going nuclear.

Asked point-blank if she agreed it wasn't wise to rule out the military option, Clinton bobbed, dodged and weaved through her first answer:

"Well, I think, first of all, we do have to get engaged. I believe that the United States should be at the table and not just outsource this important negotiation to the Europeans."

The top Democrat proceeded to meander through several related topics, hoping host Tim Russert wouldn't notice she was avoiding his question. It didn't work.

"But you would not rule out a military option?" he coaxed, trying to push her in the right direction.

Despite Russert's best efforts to help, Clinton stammered her way through a nonsense answer that made it plain that the use of military force wouldn't be in her playbook.

"Well, you know, Tim, I don't think that you either rule it in or rule it out. I think that, you know, depending upon circumstances, it's something that, you know, the American government would have to, you know, consider.

"But, for goodness sakes, I think we are a very long way from beginning to have that conversation, if we ever have to have it. But I don't believe in having any President of the United States or anybody, you know, in a position like Senator McCain and I in the United States Senate, you know, saying we would take anything off the table. But before we get to that question, let's try to, you know, deal with the many other possibilities."

For those counting, that was seven "you knows" in five sentences.

And look at the grief President Bush takes for saying "and ahhhhh" all the time.

This is your next POTUS, folks. And she has three-plus years to get better at selling herself as a generalissimo.

But if/when the time comes when military action becomes inevitable, it will be the stammering, indecisive, "Why can't this all just go away?" Hillary Clinton that will be making the call.

I hope three years is long enough to get a fallout shelter constructed....