Thursday, February 10, 2005

Senator Al Franken?

The trend toward politics being impossible to parody continues.

Yesterday Minnesota's "senior" senator, Marvelous Mark Dayton, he of the "Italian Army advance" school of politico-military doctrine (You know, "Why does an Italian tank have a forward gear and three reverse gears? The forward gear is for when it's attacked from behind."), announced that he would not seek re-election next year on the grounds that he does "not believe that I am the best candidate to lead the DFL Party to victory next year."

Well, no bleep, sherlock. What was his first clue? Maybe that his poll numbers are dropping like Bill Clinton's trousers? Real people in the gopher state were concerned over his full bore linear panic before last November's election, and his roaringly absurd slander of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during her recent confirmation hearings - followed by a vote for her confirmation, if I remember correctly. Democrats concurred with those sentiments but not with his indiscretion in expressing them, which made him a political liability they didn't need. Since MMD was considered the most vulnerable Dem in '06, his bowing out of the seat he purchased as a hobby supposedly gives them a fresh start on holding onto it.

And then, this morning, just now as a matter of fact, I read this:

Just one day after U.S. Senator Mark Dayton decided not to run for a second term, comedian Al Franken may be throwing his hat into the ring.

Last year, Franken said he wanted to run for the Senate in 2008. But last night he told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS that he is now considering his candidacy for next year.

Franken, a Minnesota native, plans to make an announcement live on his national radio show in Washington D.C.

I can see the bumper stickers now: "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, people will vote for me. Well, not everybody. But that's their problem. And your problem."

Somewhere, Jon Fredersen is turning handsprings.

UPDATE: Never mind....

Was that Gilda Radner's Roseann Roseannadanna? I can never remember....