Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Can Terri Schiavo Save Rick Santorum?

This is a shrewd tactical move for Pennsylvania's junior senator, given the pro-life credentials of Bob Casey, Jr., his likely Democrat challenger:

A top GOP senator is vowing to save a disabled Florida woman from a court-ordered starvation-execution this week, with the new legislation reportedly winning the backing of key leaders in the U.S. Senate.

Commenting on plans to remove Terri Schiavo's feeding tube this Friday, Senator Rick Santorum told The Hill newspaper on Wednesday, "That's not going to happen on my watch."

I wasn't aware that senators had "watches," other than the ones on their wrists.

To continue:

Contrary to media claims that Schiavo is comatose or in "a persistent vegetative state," Santorum said, the 41-year-old disabled woman is "close to equivalent of someone with the disease cerebral palsy."

Here's where it gets interesting:

Senate Democrats are expected to resist the proposed legislation, which would give federal courts jurisdiction over Schiavo's case, though experts predict that, unless someone intervenes, her death will be gruesome. [my emphases]

This is what is known in military strategy as a flanking movement. The Donks want to put up an ostensible pro-life candidate against Santorum in order to cut into his base Catholic support? Fine; we'll just show Pennsylvania voters the anti-life extremism of the caucus a Senator Casey would be joining to illustrate how meaningless Casey's professed pro-lifeism would be, assuming it even survived Dem freshman orientation. And it's hard to get more anti-life than to make common cause with the torture and murder of a helpless woman whose only "crime" is that she's an inconvenience to her adulterous, scumbag husband.

The snuffers should in no way, shape, or form be able to commit this atrocity in a vacuum. If they're going to inflict the following on Mrs. Schiavo:

...significant pain and psychological distress during the two weeks it is expected to take her to die.

Dehydration will cause Schiavo's skin, tongue and lips to crack. She will likely suffer chronic nosebleeds as mucous membranes dry out, followed by heaving and vomiting as the stomach lining dries out.

Her mouth is expected to develop painful ulcers. As Schiavo's brain is deprived of fluid, she is expected to suffer grand mal seizures.

Because the 41-year-old woman is in good health with a normal body weight of 138 pounds, she could hang on longer than a patient who is already terminally ill.

- and Democrats help them do it by opposing Senator Santorum's legislation, then every last second of it should be photographed and televised, and pumped into one right-wing campaign ad after another.

Let the slogan be thus: A vote for Bob Casey is a vote for torture.

If the Dems want to play smashmouth, let them get smashed in the mouth in return.

If they want to have a prayer of ever seeing majority status again, let them back Rick Santorum's bill en masse, and pick a fight they have a chance of winning.

At the rate that party is going right now, I doubt I'll take many bets on which option they choose.