Tuesday, March 22, 2005

You Want Hypocrisy? Here's Hypocrisy

Newsmax points out just a single aspect of the two-facedness the Democrats bring to the table:

Liberal Democrats who were beside themselves with rage over what they called the "torture" of terrorist suspects by GI guards at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison have been totally silent on the starvation torture of Terri Schiavo.

As the prison abuse scandal unfolded last May, New York Senator Hillary Clinton could barely contain herself, calling the actions of U.S. soldiers "depraved."

"I'm not satisfied yet that we understand fully what caused this depravity that was so shocking to Americans and such a violation of our values," she complained to NBC's Gabe Pressman.

"I have a problem that goes far beyond the disclosures of the horrible behavior and misconduct in the prison," she added, saying that Bush Administration officials encouraged Abu Ghraib through "a pattern and practice of misjudgments that add up to incompetence and lack of credibility."

On the starvation torture of Terri Schiavo, however, Senator Clinton's reaction has been muted. On the day Schiavo's feeding tube was removed, for instance, Clinton said ... well, nothing. And she's been silent ever since.

Failed presidential candidate John Kerry was likewise exorcised about mistreatment at Abu Ghraib, using some of the same language employed by Hillary. Commenting on photos of the prison mistreatment, Kerry told the New York Times, "They are sickening and appalling, depraved and sad."

But on the starvation execution of Terri Schiavo, the Massachusetts senator is apparently still searching for the right words.

Last May House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the Abu Ghraib prison photos "reinforce my belief that a full congressional investigation is necessary." So far, however, Pelosi has yet to lend her support to subpoenas issued by Congress last week to probe the abuse of Schiavo.

Senator Ted Kennedy was outraged by the Abu Ghraib scandal, calling it America's "greatest fall from grace." "Who gave the green light for the violations of the Geneva Convention?" Kennedy demanded.

But on Terri Schiavo, the Democrats' foremost defender of young women has been, you guessed it, completely silent.

And that's not the half of it. On NRO today Rich Lowry goes down an entire laundry list of issues relevant to this case - federal habeas review, civil rights, disabled rights, violence against women, the death penalty - where the Donks' previous stances would seem to mandate that they be leading the defense of Terri Schiavo's life against the predations of her scumbag husband, his ghoulish attorney George Felos, and death's head judge George Greer (affectionately known here as the Three Horsemen).

But they're not, preferring instead to hide beyond the same ludicrous, years-discredited death cult canards of "right to privacy" and "overturning the Constitution" and this brazenly ersatz neofederalism that can't be trusted as far as my son could throw Senator Kennedy without getting any on him. Why? Because they hate President Bush, the Republican congressional majority, and the "red"-state voters that elected them. And because they, too, enthusiastically belong to the death cult, or at the very least are loathe to challenge it.

For all the Left's reflexive attempt to score political points by accusing the GOP of trying to score political points under the cover of saving an innocent woman from a death that nobody would ever think of inflicting upon, say, Osama bin Laden, it is they who will suffer politically from their conduct during this atrocity, to the degree that there is any suffering to be meted out. The Republicans, by contrast, have acted in perfectly harmonious accord with their core principle of defending first and foremost, the right to life.

Terri Schiavo may yet die. But in going to unconscionable, unlawful lengths to stamp out her life, the death cult's surrogates may finally have passed the tipping point of triggering a pro-life backlash that will sweep them away.

What's that old gang saying (appropriately modified)? "You put one of ours in the morgue, we'll send all of you straight to (political) hell."