Sunday, April 10, 2005

Awana Dad

Some weekends you reach the point where you just say, "To hell with it."

Yesterday I had to cart my kids an hour away to the 2005 Awana Games. Between the games themselves, the travel time, lunch, and a round of miniature golf for my son's eleventh birthday, we were gone all day, and I konked out at not much past 7PM.

Today was Sunday School, followed by worship services, followed by a taco feed in which the kids were helping and before the end of which I couldn't leave. This all lasted to mid-afternoon, when, upon arrival back home, I promptly collapsed in a four-hour nap attack.

Consequently, I got absolutely nothing done this weekend, to say nothing of any blogging.

Sometimes it just doesn't pay to be a family man.

(Incidentally, my daughter's team finished first in the AG, while my son's team came in dead last. He's threatened to "shred" anything that discloses this information to anybody else, but I'm banking on his not knowing my URL. If, however, you log on here and see massive claw marks and jagged rips across the screen, you'll know why and where they came from.)