Saturday, April 30, 2005

Can't Attack the Judiciary, Hmm?

Here is what Ralph Neas, president of People for the Soviet Way, has to say about California Supreme Court Judge and Bush federal appellate court nominee on the PFSW website:

“Janice Rogers Brown is the far right’s dream judge....She embodies Clarence Thomas’s ideological extremism and Antonin Scalia’s abrasiveness and right-wing activism. Giving her a powerful seat on the DC Circuit Court would be a disaster.”

I'll get to fisking cracks like this tomorrow, since Dem senators have parroted them more or less verbatim. The observation I can't help making here is...haven't people like Neas been castigating people like Tom DeLay for "attacking" the courts? Stentorianly slamming conservatives, particularly evangelicals like James Dobson, for "assaulting the independence" of the judicial branch? But that's precisely what Neas does in a mere three sentences. Indeed, he manages to slime both Judge Brown and Justices Thomas and Scalia all in the same caustic breath. Isn't that an "assault on the independence" of the judicial branch?

This is, naturally, a rhetorical question. The far left doesn't want an "independent" judiciary; they want an ideological one that will, as Rush Limbaugh put it this past week, "institutionalize" their policy agenda so as to remove it entirely from the realm of a legislative/democratic process that has rejected it and them.

When I and many others refer to the "Imperial Judiciary," it most assuredly is not hyperbole. Screeds like Ralph Neas' are the redundant proof.