Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Night Rider Rides Again

All you have to do is listen to West Virginia Democrat Robert "KKK" Byrd once and you can believe without hesitation that he has ample experience with filibustering.

He was at his incoherent, tangential best today on the Senate floor:

Mr. President, let's do what the Constitution says. Let's do what the Constitution says.

Senator Byrd, where does the Constitution say it requires sixty votes to confirm a federal judicial appointment? Where does the Constitution say it require sixty votes to confirm a federal judicial appointment?

We talk about what these nominees deserve. What do the American people deserve?

An up-or-down vote on these nominees. That is what a majority of the American electorate voted for, after all.

That should matter.

Then drop the damn filibusters, Senator.

What do the American people deserve? They deserve to move on.

.org? Nobody deserves that.

Look at the problems that confront this country.
Like a petulant, puerile, foot-stomping, tantrum-throwing minority party that has yet, after a full decade, to learn how to accept defeat, and which sees its political interest in obstructing any examination of, much less solutions for, the other problems that confront this country, since those problems are mostly, if not entirely, the lingering fallout from wrongheaded policies they themselves enacted years ago.

What does the Constitution say? By and with the consent, he, the president, shall have power to nominate and by and with the consent of the United States Senate, shall appoint.

Is that from the King James version, Senator? I prefer New American Standard, myself....

Now, we can wrangle until the crack of doom....

What the heck is that? Sounds like what you'd get if Hillary Clinton left politics to take up a career in plumbing.

....about why so-and-so and why so-and-so and why so-and-so and not give an up-or-down vote in the Senate, one could ask that question ad infinitum about those many nominees that were sent to the United States Senate by President Clinton.

None of whom were filibustered by a minority in blatant defiance of over two centuries of Senate tradition and custom.

That pig ain't gonna fly, Senator.

The American people should deserve, they deserve action by the Senate to get on with the business of people.

The #1 item of which is the confirmation of the President's appellate court nominees. #1b is modernizing Social Security so that it doesn't bankrupt the country, which, of course, your party is also heedlessly, selfishly, and irresponsibility trying to stonewall as well. Heck, that pretty much describes your party's entire agenda. You can't even call it an agenda, really; it's more of an anti-agenda. You're not "for" anything. Isn't that what constitutes "bidness"?

Look at these high gas prices, talk about immigration policy, talk about health - health - access to health facilities.

But whatever you do, don't talk extemporaneously. At least while thinking that nobody is noticing. Uncle Teddy can write off his mumbling bloviations to the daily three-martini lunch, which is still more flattering than ascribing them to senility.

Maybe you should start carousing with him and Dodd. At the very least, you could be the designated driver. And the girls might think you're "cute."

At least until you open your mouth.

The American people deserve action on the part of this Senate.

All of which your party is trying to thwart because you don't have the numbers to proactively set a left-wing agenda in its place. Though LORD knows you're attempting that as well.

Here we are - nomination for judgeships. That's just a shirttail full of nominations....

To slightly modify the question that the record producer asked of Blind Melon Chitlin, "What the hell's a shirttail," as pertains to a unit of measurement?

...and they've been sent to the Senate already, and in the first administration.
Because your party won't respect the result of the past three elections and get the hell out of the way, yes. And I don't think it's the President that isn't "getting the message."

I've never made a big hoop dee doo about being a born-again Christian, but I speak as a born again Christian.

Hmm; how very...pharisiacal of you.

Hear me all you evangelicals out there, hear me.

Oh, God help us, he's channeling the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Next thing you know he's going to have us "openin' aouah Baaaables to the book 'o HabAKkuk." Or maybe "the book 'o Naiyum." One or the other.

Getting back to Esther here....

Oh, "Estuh" it is, then.

Getting "back" to Esther? Hey, I know this minibuster was JIP'd, but come on...

After meandering through all ten chapters of that Old Testament book, the ancient Kleagle finally tied it all the way back to the filibuster showdown by equating the activation of the constitutional option with Haman the Agagite being hanged on his own gallows.

The written word really can't do justice to this deranged gibbering. Click here to listen to as much of it as you can stand.

Me, I'm going to bed.