Saturday, May 28, 2005


First of all, thank you Jim, for the invite to be a part of your excellent blog. What follows are my thoughts on the events that have transpired this week in the Senate.

I have wavered between anger, despair, and downright disgust. And I'm the one who usually tries to look at the bright side! We could have shot the Democrats down and gotten a vote on every judge, period. We could have castrated the leftist snakes and gotten these judges confirmed without 'em. But no, our infamous Wussy 7 decided to trust the likes of Robert Byrd. What has it gotten us? Well, as of Tuesday "the way had been cleared" for a vote on John Bolton. Now look where we are...they are filibustering him yet again, though they lack the guts to call it what it is. Even the MSM is providing cover for them, the Washington Post is calling it a "procedural delay" rather than what it is, a filibuster. If this doesn't piss the Republicans off to the point of finally flipping off the Democrats and doing what needs to be done, what will? And now Thune?? Heck, many of us from other states sent money to help him dethrone Daschle, and now it looks as if he will side with the Democrats against Bolton. GEEZ...

I guess my first post on your blog doesn't really show my normal sweet side, Jim. I'll do better in the future. [g]