Sunday, July 03, 2005

NOW Accusing Bush Of Femicide

Or so I gather from this shrieking posting on their website (I saw it the other day, don't recall where, but just noticed it again at NRO):

" O'Connor Resigns! Abortion Rights Emergency!"

This is it! The worst has happened with the resignation of Sandra Day O’Connor. Let there be no mistake about it: Sandra Day O’Connor was the 5th vote that was saving Roe v. Wade. Abortion rights and women’s rights are on the line.

Hmmm; looks like they did some editing since Friday afternoon. When I saw it 48 or so hours ago the last sentence read, "Abortion rights and women's lives are on the line!"

I was giggling for an hour after that one.

Really, though, that that bansheeism was toned down to "women's rights are on the line!" (odd that they distinguish "women's rights" from "abortion rights," as I thought they considered the two to be synonymical) is still worth some hearty guffaws, especially seeing as how the Olympian abortion balance has been 6-3 in favor of Roe, not 5-4.

Reminds me of advice Yoda gave Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith (paraphrased): Only by letting go of that you can least bear to lose will you lose your fear of that loss.

Anakin didn't figure that one out either.