Thursday, September 15, 2005

Roberts 2, Leahy Posse 0

Watched portions of Round 2 of the John Roberts hearings last night. Aside from Kennedy being a bit more tranquilized and Biden having apparently gotten his teeth whitened (It would have brought the house down if, when Senator Hairplugs kept flashing that shark's grin, Judge Roberts had cried out, "MY EYES! MY EYES!"...), it was pretty much a reprise of Round 1.

Cap'n Ed has a good synopsis this morning.

Incredibly, the Dems demanded, and the Republicans were only too willing to grant, a third day of this stuff. Which leads to the reasonable question of whether, if they could do so, they'd drag this out to Sisephean proportions, like the two Lazaruses in Star Trek's "The Alternative Factor," locked in futile mortal combat for all eternity, with Judge Roberts' reasonable demeanor never changing, his superior intellect never eroding, his superhuman stamina never fading. Doesn't one usually have to be sentenced to such a hideous fate by somebody else?

Or are their left-wing "activist" hatchetpeople still having problems finding Roberts' pubic-hair adorned Coke can? 'Cause that's what it's gonna take to gin up a ghost's chance of derailing his nomination at this point.