Monday, October 03, 2005

Bush Picks Harriet Miers

Just wanted to give a few thoughts on Bush's Supreme Court pick, White House Counsel Harriet Miers. Many conservatives are expressing dismay and depression over her, but admit they know little about her. I don't know much about her, either...but I do know that Bush's judicial picks so far have been excellent. I think we should give it some time and find out a little more before reaching for the Kool-Aid.

JAS adds: This is "read my lips" all over again, Jen. The same handwriting is on the wall - the base is split, the Dems are gleeful, and even stopping Miers from getting on the Court will only damage Bush even more than this pick did and would make a replacement by a Luttig or Jones or Garza even more unlikely. He'd just get his back up and send up Alberto Gonzales instead.

I've been saying over the past couple of weeks that if Senate Republicans caved to a Democrat filibuster of a constitutionalist or if Bush sent up a squish, the GOP would be doomed a year from now. I think you can take that one to the bank.