Sunday, October 02, 2005


The anti-Cindy Sheehan backlash is growing. Now the American Legion has "declared war":

On Friday the American Legion said they're declaring war on anti-war protesters, and they're starting a letter-writing campaign from soldiers fighting in Iraq who want to get their side of the story out.

"America needs to hear the good news firsthand from those who are fighting the war in Iraq and Afghanistan," said Legion National Commander Tom Bock in a press release excerpted by the liberal web site Raw Story.

"It's about time that the American public hears about the positive things our soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen and coastguardsmen are doing for our country and for the Afghani and Iraqi people."

The letters will be posted Legion's web site, "Letters to America from the Front."
Fortunately the AL's will not be a lonely fight. The advent of the blogosphere and other mainstream media outlets, particularly the milblogs (Argghhh!, Austin Bay, Belmont Club, Black Five, Centcom, Counterterrorism Blog, Froggy Ruminations, HooahHowdy, Hurl, Law and Ordnance, Major K, Mudville Gazette, Smash, Training for Eternity) and Arthur Chernkoff's recently discontinued unreported good news reports from the Afghani and Iraqi theaters, have gone a long way in ensuring that the Extreme Media's relentless al-Jazeeraesque propagandizing does not and will not go unanswered.

Still, you have to love the clarity of the battle cry proclaimed by the AL in this "letters from the front" offensive:

"The American Legion will stand against anyone and any group that would demoralize our troops, or worse, endanger their lives by encouraging terrorists to continue their cowardly attacks against freedom-loving peoples," Thomas Cadmus, another national commander, recently told Legion delegates.
So should we all.