Thursday, October 13, 2005

To Mier

Hugh Hewitt, despite his cultish, lib-like behavior on behalf of the dubious-beyond-human-ken Harriet Miers SCOTUS nomination, is still a trend-setter in the blogosphere.

Well, sort of.

According to K-Lo, he accused NRO of trying to "Bork" the President's "girl.":

No. This is new SCOTUS verb time. Andrew Breitbart just came up with over IM:

to MIER: to put your own allies in the most untenable position possible based upon exceptionally bad decision making.

Secondary definition: While steadlily going in reverse in the driveway of your own home, intentionally abruptly pressing gas pedal as to crash into garage door for no apparent reason.

This opened the floodgates:

Getting used to everyone hating you except your core supporters and thinking what the hell, it'd be cool to see what it's like to have everyone hate you at same time.

Another one:

The rare, delayed effect of having both fallen off your mountain bike multiple times and having passed out while eating a pretzel. Usually results in the hiring of your personal attorney to the highest court in the land.

And the best one of all, from one who should know:

This one we can put to rest. [Kate O'Beirne] asked the world's expert on the meaning of "to bork" - Is Harriet Miers being borked?

"No. No one is lying about her record." - Robert Bork, October 13, 2005.

Hard to lie about something nobody has ever seen.

Maybe Double-H will start filling in for George Noory....