Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Day They Shut The Senate Down

Wow, who knew Barney Fife's bullet was this big:

Democrats forced the Republican-controlled Senate into an unusual closed session Tuesday, demanding answers about intelligence that led to the Iraq war. Republicans derided the move as a political stunt.

In a speech on the Senate floor, Democratic leader Harry Reid said the American people and U.S. troops deserved to know the details of how the United States became engaged in the war, particularly in light of the indictment of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff.

Reid demanded the Senate go into closed session. With a second by Senator Dick Durbin, D-IL, the public was ordered out of the chamber, the lights were dimmed, senators filed to their seats on the floor and the doors were closed. No vote is required in such circumstances.

"The Libby indictment provides a window into what this is really all about, how this Administration manufactured and manipulated intelligence in order to sell the war in Iraq and attempted to destroy those who dared to challenge its actions," Reid said before the doors were closed.

Translation: We didn't get our Fitzmas presents, and we've completely lost control of the propaganda momentum, so we're going to hold our breath until you give them to us.

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts should have handed Dirty Harry a copy of last year's SIC report on pre-war intelligence and then walked out, along with the other fifty-four Pachyderms.

Either that or given him the finger.

Not exactly "senatorial," but it's what he and his sore losers deserve.

I wonder if Reid talked with E.J. Dionne today....

UPDATE: K-Lo has an interesting take on the Reid stunt:

Newscyle spin Monday-Tuesday midday: Bush attempts to change the subject from Pat Fitzgerald's muckraking of his Administration by nominating a new, right-wing Supreme Court judge. (Nevermind that members of his own party pressured him to do this.)

Logical Newscyle spin Tuesday midday to Wednesday: Senate Democrats change the subject from well-qualified SCOTUS nominee Alito back to Scooter Libby and Joe Wilson.

Could we not fairly say that Dirty Harry's was a move made out of weakness?

UPDATE II: Taking the always-present possibility of the ever-present GOP capitulation impulse into account, Jeb Babbin issues the following warning to Fristy and the boys:

Seems like there's a great deal less than met the eye in the Dems' closing the Senate to discuss classified information. According to Schumer, who just couldn't stay away from a tv camera any longer, and just spoke to the cameras, they're demanding a Senate investigation into their allegations that the intel data used to justify the war was manipulated. They say that Pat Roberts (R-KS), chairman of the intel committee, promised an investigation last year and hasn't come through. So now the Dems are blocking any other action in the Senate to get their investigation.

Think about the Robb-Silberman report. Former Virginia Dem Senator Chuck Robb and Judge Lawrence Silberman - neither shy guys nor Bush flaks - did that same investigation over a year ago, and came to the conclusion that there was NO anipulation of the intel to justify the war. If that's all there is to this stunt, there's nothing to it at all. [But] Schumer was optimistic that Republican leaders would cave and start another investigation.

If they do, consider this: the continuing Fitzgerald investigation will have a perfect outlet for leaks that can imply all sorts of misdeeds at the White House. If this investigation is authorized, watch out. Fitzmas will happen about once a month from now to November 06, or longer. [emphasis added]

This whole stunt is predicated upon Republican leaders "caving and starting another investigation." But this is not a sustainable tactic for the Democrats. If Frist and his braintrust will just cool their heels and use the next few days to launch withering PR counterattacks, this can be turned against Reid and co. in short order.

The Donks are braiding nooses like there's no tomorrow. All we have to do is let them stick their necks into them and then open the trap doors.

UPDATE III: Double-M and B4B say the "closed door session" has already concluded.

But it probably wasn't the last one.

UPDATE IV: Line of the day from Kate O'Beirne:

The Senate showdown gives us some idea of what it would look like if the Boy Scouts tried to take on the mafia.
