Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Timing Is Everything

I'm no political expert, but the more I think about this latest maneuver by the Democrats, the dumber it seems. The Iraqis just voted for a democratic form of government, which the United States is directly responsible for and is a result of this President's resolve to fight the terrorists where they are and get them out of the way...and the Democrats STILL want to question why we are over there. Am I missing something??

The Republicans should shout this out over and over. Keep highlighting the positives, and there are many, regarding the War on Terror. Let the Democrats continue to question our motives and our mission. They will lose, instead of causing America to lose as seems to be their desire.

JAS adds: The Fitzmas Fizzle had something to do with yesterday's Rule 21 tantrum, but here is the main reason Harry Reid closed the Senate doors:

And let me assure you, Judge Alito WILL get a fair hearing, and a fair up-or-down vote on the floor of the United States Senate.

We have but one constitutional obligation before us …to provide advice and consent.

Our job is to assess the merits of this nominee through the prism of ability, not ideology.

Bottom line … the nominee may have changed, but the guiding principle remains the

Fair and civil Hearing. Fair Vote.

Obstruction will not be tolerated.

Dirty Harry heard these words from Majority Leader Bill Frist and felt compelled to fire a shot across his bow as to what the Democrat retaliation to triggering the Byrd/constitutional option will be: complete paralysis of the Senate.

And it is one of the biggest bluffs in the history of American politics. Not in the sense that Reid wouldn't be willing to go through with it, but that there is no way on God's green Earth that the Democrats would be able to sell such a draconian manuever as a justifiable defense of the same brand of crude, puerile obstructionism that has been the co-bane (Their McGovernik anti-war seditionism is the other) of their party's fortunes in the past three election cycles. If the Dems filibuster Judge Alito, and the Republicans break it and push through his confirmation, a "Reid option" wouldn't last a week. And even that much would sink their chances of even breaking even in 2006.

Fristy and his colleagues have got to look at stunts like yesterday's in the proper big-picture context. If they do they will realize just how weak the Donks' position is, that the Donks are only now beginning to fully realize it, and that they have no way out of their predicament that the majority does not foolishly provide them.

And perhaps Dr. Doofus will also finally accept the fact that he never could trust Harry Reid and never should ever, EVER again.