Friday, December 02, 2005

More Politically Correct Stupidity

I can't help myself...I posted about this on my blog, but I have to do it here, too. This woman, and the idiots who went along with her, is the epitomy of stupidity:

A century-old painting commemorating the Pilgrims' landing in Provincetown, Massachusetts, no longer hangs in the town hall after city officials voted that its was discriminatory against women. The Boston Globe reports that town Selectwoman Sarah Peake said she found it "disturbing" that the large oil painting — depicting the Pilgrims voting on the Mayflower Compact — didn't include a single woman. Despite the fact that only male colonists actually signed the historic document, three of the four selectmen agreed to remove the painting, which had hung in the town hall for at least 60 years.

Can you believe that? A century old, historically correct, wonderful painting depicting a great historic event, has to be taken down because some stupid female decides to be offended. GEEZ, stuff like this irritates the crap out of me.