Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Win For Delay Portrayed as Loss in Press

Not a big surprise, but Delay's win yesterday has been portrayed by nearly every major media outlet as a big loss for him. Rush's comments:

Judge Priest also said he had yet to rule on a defense motion of prosecutorial misconduct. So that's still to come. And if DeLay wins that ruling on prosecutorial misconduct, that could throw the whole case out. So everybody on the left is a little bit hurried here in celebrating this so-called loss for Tom DeLay. Others said, "Hey, the conspiracy charges, ah, it's no big deal. The fact that those are thrown out, that's no big deal." You're missing the point here, folks, if you buy into this. Proving money laundering, that standard is pretty high.

The Left is still holding on to the hope that they can "get" Tom Delay (and Karl Rove, and Dubya, and anyone else who doesn't kiss their...feet). Justice ain't what they're after. Read the rest of Rush's commentary.