Monday, December 05, 2005

Coming Up For Air

Swamped all last week. Exhausted and blogging-apathetic all weekend. That's what we call budget season in the industry I inhabit. At least I'm not sick as a dog as I was last year.

Plus, just when I was going to go down to my den and make myself post some material last night, I had the sort of experience that I used to dream about as a horny adolescent. For a while, anyway.

Anyway, this morning we'll dabble in some gossip and the latest Donk libels.

The New York Times has White House Chief of Staff Andy Card ready to take over the Treasury Department, which would do little or nothing for the promotion of the smashing success of the President's supply-side economic policies, as the Times doubtless knows (and hopes).

New Time magazine blogger Andrew Sullivan is just positive that Don "Big Dog" Rumsfeld is leaving the Pentagon next year and the White House will offer the SecDef job to the lone prominent (and genuine) GWOT hawk in the Democrat party, Senator Joe Lieberman.

Neither of those prospective shufflings is more than speculative rumor, though the former I've seen discussed for some time now. But, hey, I'm jus' passin' 'em on.

Chucky Schumer whined yesterday that we're "imposing" next week's election on the Iraqi people. I'd wager ordinary Syrians, Iranians, Saudis, Palestinians, Egyptians, et al wish we'd "impose" the same "fate" upon their societies as well.

John Kerry had another Vietnam flashback yesterday, telling Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer that American troops are "terrorizing" Iraqi civilians. Which I guess means that "Emir" Zarqawi and his boys are trying to stop our "terrorist" GIs, but their car bombs and IEDs keeping prematurely blowing up in the wrong places.

But God forbid that Jack Murtha should be "swift-boated."

And here, curiously, is one of the last things I would ever have expected to read:

Joe Wilson, Iraq war supporter?

The darling of the anti-war left may be working overtime to bring down the Bush Administration for "outing" his CIA wife, but Wilson said Saturday that the White House was right to go to war over Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

"There was a lot of reason to be concerned about weapons of mass destruction in the hands of Saddam Hussein," he told WABC Radio's Mark Simone. "I always thought that he probably had chemical and biological weapons and biological precursors as well."...Wilson said he cheered President Bush's decision to topple the Iraqi dictator, telling Simone: "When the President went up to the U.N. and got the [war] resolution unanimously passed at the U.N., nobody applauded louder than I did."

Hmmm; is this attempted fence-mending, or attempted ass-covering?