Monday, January 16, 2006

Bolton Blasts UN Anti-Semitism

John Bolton just never stops providing vindicatory reasons for why President Bush's appointment of him as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations was such a damn good idea:

American ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton has sent a sharply worded letter to Secretary-General Kofi Annan, threatening to cut U.S. funding to the U.N. if the world body continues to promote anti-Israel events.

Bolton's January 3 letter came in response to an event at the U.N. celebrating the annual "International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People." At the event, which was attended by Annan and other top diplomats, speakers stood before a map of the Middle East that did not show the state of Israel.

"Given that we now have a world leader pursuing nuclear weapons who is calling for the state of Israel to be wiped off the map, the issue has even greater salience," Mr. Bolton wrote, referring to Iranian President Mamoud Ahmadinejad’s statement to that effect in October....

"Who is the high-level official within the secretariat who approved use of the map for the event? Does the United Nations intend to use the map in future U.N.-sponsored functions and events?

"In light of prohibition under U.S. law to fund events such as this one, do you consider it appropriate for the United Nations to advertise and promote the event on its general Web site and other venues, which do in fact benefit from U.S. funds?"

The threat to cut U.S. support for U.N. general advertising budgets "is a matter of serious concern to Mr. Annan's aides, who have been under intense pressure to reform the United Nations in the wake of last year's scandals,” according to the [New York] Sun.

I don't think Ambassador Bolton's letter was "sharply worded" at all. It's straight-talking common sense. The original raison d'etere of the U.N. was collective global security by providing an alternative means of settling international disputes. Outlaw aggressor regimes like the mullahgarchy in Iran - or thuggish quasi-regimes like the so-called "Palestinian Authority" - should, like North Korea was in 1950, be the target of collective international sanctions or military action as a threat to both global security and the survival of a member UN state. Not indulged, coddled, and in the case of "the Division for Palestinian Rights," subsidized to the tune of nearly $5.5 million.

John Bolton's ostensible mission at Turtle Bay is to haul the "world body" back toward its founding ideals. What I believe he will ultimately accomplish is to prove beyond a reasonable doubt why the United States and any other democracy worthy of that classificiation should jettison and defund the UN as the ongoing international criminal conspiracy it's been for a generation and remains to this day.

Oh, yes, and let's make sure that Democrat senators have to explain again and again why they were so adamantly opposed to a straight-talking Ambassador to the UN. Let them defend its open and enthusiastic embrace of another Holocaust, and Mr. Bolton's calling Kofi on it, or get on with confirming his appointment to ensure an additional two years of one sane voice in the gangster fugue.