Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Moonbats Get Crazier!

Read this thread from the Democratic Underground, courtesy of Ankle Biting Pundits. Just to make sure you never forget who pulls the strings in the Democratic Party.

JASmius adds: Since I can't beat Jen's title, I'll just post this as an appendix.

Had Hugh Hewitt on just now, and heard that Donk Representative Lynn Woolsey (how appropriate that her surname so closely describes her mental condition) invited The Next Senator From California (or the would-be Evita Peron of Venezuela), Cindy Sheehan, to sit in the House gallery for the State of the Union show.

Reportedly Cindy agreed to behave herself, but Hugh wasn't buying it and neither was I. He and his callers engaged in feverish speculation as to what the President should do if she interrupted his speech with her bellicose neoBolshevik boilerplate. The consensus was it had all the "earmarks" of a PR disaster in the making no matter what Bush did.

I didn't think it would be quite that bad - remember the leftish protestors that tried to crash his GOP convention acceptance speech? - and figured that Bush would either keep right on speaking or pause to allow the Capitol Police to remove her. Yeah, the Extreme Media would try to spin it against him, but it seems to me that the image such hooliganism would have sent would have reflected so poorly on the Left with mainstream America that it would have been another nail in their political coffin.

At any rate, we'll never know now, because the dumb broad pre-empted her intentions by bringing a seditious banner with her like she was at a pro wrestling event, and the Capitol cops took her in to custody before the SOTUA could even begin.

What a dingbat. And how exquisitely symbolic of how grievously the Left has deteriorated, across the board.

But they're still going to pick up seats next November!

UPDATE: Gotta love this Rich Lowry line on the Democrats' cognitive dissonance vis-a-vie the NSA terrorist surveillance program:

Democrats are the first party ever to talk of impeaching a president for creating a program they themselves seem to support.

Congressional 'Pubbies ought to do like they did with Charlie Rangel's draft bill and John Murtha's cut-and-run-from-Iraq resolution and put a resolution on the NSA program to a vote. If you think the lib nutters are blithering NOW....