Sunday, January 29, 2006

Mrs. Sheehan Goes To Washington?

Seems like whenever I post about this crazy shrew I start the same way: you just can't make this stuff up. Fresh off her summit meeting with Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, the neoBolshevik Mother Teresa has decided that somebody has to take out that warmongering Bush toady Dianne Feinstein:

Cindy Sheehan, the peace activist who set up camp near President Bush's Texas ranch last summer, said Saturday she is considering running against Senator Dianne Feinstein to protest what she called the California lawmaker's support for the war in Iraq.

"She voted for the war. She continues to vote for the funding. She won't call for an immediate withdrawal of the troops," Sheehan told The Associated Press in an interview while attending the World Social Forum in Venezuela along with thousands of other anti-war and anti-globalization activists.

"I think our senator needs to be held accountable for her support of George Bush and his war policies," said Sheehan, whose 24-year-old soldier son Casey was killed in Iraq in 2004.
I'm not surprised that the Extreme Media continues to cultivate this Moore-on. They're always on the lookout for fresh Bushophobic copy, and she's as reliable a source of it as they'll ever have, even though her PR-useful shelf life expired months ago. What does surprise me - nay, astonish me - is that Senator Feinstein actually felt compelled to issue a defensive public response:

Feinstein's campaign manager, Kam Kuwata, said the senator "doesn't support George Bush and his war policies."

"She has stated publicly on numerous occasions that she felt she was misled by the Administration at the time of the vote," Kuwata said by phone from California.

But with troops committed, Feinstein believes immediate withdrawal is not a responsible option, Kuwata said.

"Senator Feinstein's position is, let's work toward quickly turning over the defense of Iraq to Iraqis so that we can bring the troops home as soon as possible," he said.
Cindy Sheehan isn't a pimple on Dianne Feinstein's ass. Why should she give a frog's fat leg what "Traitor Mom" says? Or that she's contemplating a primary challenge? That's akin to somebody taking on a Borg cubeship with a rowboat.

The answer lays bare the ideological contagion racking the Democrat party these days: Because its inmates are running their asylum, and they are where all the party's money and energy is. So much so that even a senator-for-life like DiFi has to pay them at least lip-service homage.

And to think I'm still reading how the "experts" keep predicting that Dems are going to regain seats in Congress next November. But I actually wouldn't mind a Sheehan upset; it's an unattainable seat for the GOP anyway, and that way Babs Boxer would actually have some competition for the title of Senate mental case.

She might even have to surrender her rubber-walled office....