Monday, February 06, 2006

Baskin-Robbins Insanity

You know how when you turn a hose on full-blast and then let go of it how it whips around randomly spewing water in every-which direction? Post-Alito Democrat rhetoric bears an on-going, free-wheeling, apparently insatiable resemblance to that remark.

***Last Friday Bill Clinton not only defended his wife's "The Republicans are running the House like a plantation" remark, not only claimed with a straight face that it had no racial overtones, but then topped it by likening House Donks to "sharecroppers."

***Derangocrats spent Super Bowl weekend in Washington, D.C. protesting by displaying signs varying from the stupid to the unspeakable:

And some wonder why so many of us maintain that the difference between the American Left and our Islamist enemies is only one of rapidly vanishing degree.

***Hugh Hewitt relays from the Freepers that, "the intelligence community believes West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller is the leaker who illegally supplied the New York Times with the details of the NSA program."

And congressional Democrats are still trying to smear their Republican "colleagues" as "corrupt" and "lawless"? I'll put Ronnie Earle's imaginary "case" against Tom DeLay up against Rocky's shredding the Espionage Act any day of the week.

***"The President has enhanced responsibility to resist unconstitutional provisions that encroach upon the constitutional powers of the Presidency."

When and by whom do you think these words were written? Would you believe Clinton Assistant Attorney General Walter Dellinger in 1994? Would you also believe that:

[A]s controversy was stoked over the NSA program's much-decried violation of FISA's purported requirement that the president of the United States ask a judge's permission to intercept enemy communications in wartime, Dellinger joined several other "scholars of constitutional law and former government officials" — including several who served in the Clinton Justice Department — in ceremoniously submitting to Congress a letter-brief castigating the Bush Administration's "imperial lawlessness."

I don't use the allusions to mental illness lightly. Whether manifested by demands for unearned political supremacy and the murder of ideological opponents or the oblivious self-evisceration of their own one-time policy stances, the Democrat Party, in its Bushophobia, has become terminally wracked with a mass psychosis that is, as I predicted it would during and after the 2004 campaign, metastasizing to grotesque and even frightening proportions. These people are reaching the point of being willing to do literally anything to get rid of George W. Bush and, by extension, GOP governance. And with a sitting U.S. senator perhaps having all but opened the door for al Qaeda to attack the homeland again, and rank & file libs gladly and openly cheering the notion of the President of the United States being decapitated, I feel safe in saying it is not I who is being the slightest bit hyperbolic.

After Dubya was re-elected, I wondered whether he would live to the end of his second term. At the rate the DisLoyal Opposition is mutating, these days I'm beginning to think the country itself, as we have known it for over two centuries, isn't in jeopardy as well.

But in any case, the Democrats are guaranteed to pick up congressional seats next November....