Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Big Bad John, Man of Peace

Guess who has been nominated for this year's Nobel Peace Prize:

John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, is one of two Americans who have been nominated for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize....

Bolton and Kenneth R. Timmerman were formally nominated by Sweden's former deputy prime minister Per Ahlmark, for playing a major role in exposing Iran's secret plans to develop nuclear weapons.

They documented Iran's secret nuclear buildup and revealed Iran's "repeated lying" and false reports to the International Atomic Energy Agency, a press release said.
Oh, how this has to be churning the stomachs of Democrats everywhere. John Bolton - JOHN F'ING BOLTON! - nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. How can this be? Bolton was the undiplomatic diplomat. The "neocon." The "unilateralist." The man who once joked that the UN would work just as well with several floors cut out of its Turtle Bay headquarters. The bully who supposedly made the lives of his underlings miserable while simultaneously kissing the asses of his superiors. Wilfred Brimley's evil twin.

Bolton didn't believe in "alliances" and "working with the international community." He wasn't a real diplomat. Real diplomats are supposed to represent the "world" to the United States, not the United States before the world - Ambassador from the United Nations, not to it. He wasn't part of the left-wing establishment elite. He wasn't one of them. He wasn't just not in, say, John Kerry's class, he wasn't even of the same species.

And now Ambassador Bolton - the man whose confirmation on which the Donks refused to allow a vote - is in the running for a Nobel Peace Prize.

I knew this was a good day. And the following blurb makes it even better:

One of Bolton's Republican critics - Senator George Voinovich of Ohio - now says he thinks Bolton is doing a good job.

"I spend a lot of time with John on the phone. I think he is really working very constructively to move forward," Reuters quoted Voinovich as saying on Monday....

Voinovich added that he's still watching Bolton - but, "at this stage of the game I am pleased with the progress that is being made here and the team that he has gathered together here."
That weepy turncoat couldn't throw enough feces at Ambassador Bolton eight months ago, culminating in that embarrassingly contrived emotional breakdown on the Senate floor. But now that Bolton has exposed him for the fool that he is, the damned ass-kissing drama queen can't get on his good side fast enough.

The only thing that could make this story better is if Voinovich and Mike DeWine could trade senate seats. I'd love seeing a RINO besides Linc Chaffee go down in well-deserved flames.