Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Strawberries Are Still Curdled

D'ya think that maybe even John McCain himself is coming to the realization that he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of garnering the 2008 GOP presidential nomination?

When confronted with his hostility to First Amendment rights (you know, free political speech, not porn or the size of the pasties that cover the nipples on a nude dancer's fake tits) on the Don Imus Show, Sailor said this (h/t CQ):

He [Michael Graham] also mentioned my abridgement of First Amendment rights, i.e. talking about campaign finance reform....I know that money corrupts....I would rather have a clean government than one where "First Amendment rights" are being respected, that has become corrupt. If I had my choice, I’d rather have the clean government.

What surprises me about that comment isn't the stark totalitarian impulse - the populist demogoguery that equates money - which will NEVER be eliminated from politics as a practical matter and indeed should not be even if it could - with "corruption. Nor is it McCain's roaring hypocrisy, what with his own vast fundraising (read: "soft" money) apparatus that, as I recall, includes Byzantine ties to the infamous George Soros. Rather, it is the candor the senior senator from Arizona exhibits about his abject contempt for the most fundamental of constitutional liberties. It is his own corruption that has caused him to set himself up in his own mind as qualified to arbitrate for everybody else what is and isn't "corrupt," and therefore what political speech is and isn't permissible, and when, and for how long. Indeed, one begins to get the nagging suspicion that once Darth Queeg was elected president, there wouldn't be any more elections thereafter because, after all, when he really thought about it then, democracy itself is "corrupt."

I'd better stop there or I might run afoul of Godwin's Law. But why do I need to pursue the thread any further when the Sith senator follows up his Imus gaffe with this (h/t: RCP):

"I don't want [the presidency] that badly," McCain says. "I will continue to do what is right. I will continue to pursue torture, climate change. If that means I can't get the Republican nomination, fine. I've had a happy life. The worst thing I can do is sell my soul to the devil."

So conservatives are the spawn of Satan, hm? I guess he doesn't want the presidency that badly, to kick smack in the balls the nominating GOP electorate that is his only viable path to that goal.

But that doesn't mean he won't run as an "independent" - particularly if by so doing he can shaft his own party (again) and put another Clinton back in the White House.

The real-life revenge of the Sith is coming, gentles. Mark my words.