Sunday, June 18, 2006

Bonfire Of the Insanities, Reloaded

Will the Democrats' conniptions of enraged partisan frustrations ever end?

***Here's what passes for a human interest story with these people: Mother Sheehan is spending her time serving as a valet, cigar/cigarette girl, and cheerleader for American deserters on the other side of the 49th parallel. You especially have to love her comment that she wished her own son had been a filthy criminal traitor, because then (perhaps) he'd still be alive today.

Kinda makes me think of that old saying, "If you have nothing worth dying for, you have nothing worth living for." Also, "'Tis better to be a dead lion than a live Cindy." And last, but not least, "Please, Prime Minister Harper, give her asylum, but extradite the rest."

***Not all of the leftish weirdos are in Cheezer/Hoser country, though. Others are taking to their bicycles wearing nothing but a smile:

Perusing reports of this month's World Naked Bike Ride in San Francisco, I was impressed by the way the acres of sagging mottled flesh stayed ruthlessly on message: "RE-ELECT GORE" was the slogan on one man's bottom, as fetchingly dimpled as a Palm Beach chad, while beneath the "GORE" of his butt his upper thighs proudly proclaimed "NO WAR" (left leg) "FOR OIL" (right). "I'D RATHER HAVE THIS BUSH FOR PRESIDENT" read one lady's naked torso with an arrow pointing down to the presidential material in question. What a bleak comment on the bitter divisions in our society that even so all-American a tradition as nude bicycling down Main Street should now be so nakedly partisan. It's as if the republic itself is now divided into a red buttock and a blue buttock permanently cleaved by the bicycle seat of war.
I guess you could say that Mother Sheehan's absence from this birthmark (um, landmark) event could be seen as her version of serving her country.

***Regrettably, some filthy mercenary traitors are still on our soil and hold elective office. And they still cannot take the heat of honest, open challenge:

Commenting on Karl Rove's remarks in a speech in New Hampshire where he charged that Democrats are "wrong, profoundly wrong" in wanting to cut and run in Iraq, an increasingly rabid anti-war Congressman John Murtha resorted to a personal attack on Rove on Sunday.

"He's in New Hampshire, he's making a political speech. He's sitting in his air-conditioned office on his big fat backside saying, 'Stay the course,'" said Murtha, D-PA, in an appearance on NBC's Meet the Press.

Or, as Mark Steyn parodied it in the aforelinked piece, "Even if there's no civil war, even if the insurgents' leader is dead and his network in ruins, even if the Iraqis are making huge progress in self-government, even if by any historical standard everything's going swell, the Defeaticrats refuse to budge: America needs to throw in the towel and hightail it out of there by the end of the year," no matter what. "Declare defeat and go home," no matter what the consequences, no matter how many Middle East "dominoes" fall (of which Iraq would be but the first), no matter how many thousands more American civilians have to die at home. Lib militant pacifist ideology has to be upheld - to the last man.

Look, though, how defensive Congressman Haw-Haw became at a single sharp opposition rebuke. I don't know if it's the religious nature of al Donka extremism or Karl The Great's unique penchant for sending lefties into orbit, but this is a man whose indiscretion has become a runaway locomotive, as evinced by this comment from an interview on CNN (via NRO Media Blog via Allah via Blackfive):

The thing that disturbed me and worries me about this whole thing is we can't get [the Administration] to change direction. And I said over and over in debate, if you listen to any of it, in Beirut President Reagan changed direction, in Somalia President Clinton changed direction, and yet here, with the troops out there every day, suffering from these explosive devices, and being looked at as occupiers — 80% of the people want us out of there — and yet they continue to say, "We're fighting this thing." We're not fighting this. The troops are fighting this thing. That's who's doing the fighting. [emphasis added]
Murtha is obviously as adept at making up conveniently fraudulent poll numbers out of thin air as his adoring media groupies. But it's his open invocation of Sick Willie's retreat from Somalia (after having militarized the mission from feeding the populace to contextless nation-building) - the very action that convinced Osama bin Laden that he could take on and defeat America - that is astonishing in its openness. Either Murtha is so deluded that he actually believes a majority of Americans are as nationally suicidal as he is, or he's so desperate in the wake of the snuffing of "Emir" Zarqawi and the rolling up of al Qaeda forces in Iraq (predominantly by Iraqi forces) - all of which completely destroys the "We're losing" meme - that he's simply coming unglued.

***This may explain why majority Republicans in both houses of Congress managed, despite their erstwhile bumbling, to capitalize on this Dem disarray by staging another round of riotously embarrassing (to the minority) war debate:

Both houses of Congress spent today debating the Iraq War and the troop deployment, and the Senare voted on a bill presented by the GOP caucus that mirrored John Kerry's amendment to the defense authorization bill calling for a withdrawal of all US forces from Iraq by the end of the year. When the rhetorical dust had settled, the motion failed by a whopping 93-6 vote, embarrassing Democrats who have stepped up calls for exactly such a withdrawal.
Kerry and the other five Defeatocrats - Feingold, Boxer, Byrd, Harkin, and Kennedy - were pissed at being flushed out and humiliated, even though Majority Whip Mitch McConnell simply took the legislation Lurch himself had had drawn up and brought it to the floor. Beats the heck out of me how these seditionists can keep getting taken by surprise on these show votes, since it's far from the first time that the GOP has called their quislingist bluff. It's like the fat man who gets tired of getting kicked in his great, big butt: he can bitch about it endlessly, or he can get himself some salads and a stairmaster and make his ass a smaller target.

The more noteworthy debate and vote took place on the other side of the Capitol. Hugh Hewitt provided a prescient preface:

If a majority of the Democrats reject the resolution today, the electorate will have all the evidence it needs to reject the claim by Peter Beinart and others that the Democratic Party can be trusted with the national security.
The House resolution read thusly:

Resolved, That the House of Representatives–

(1) honors all those Americans who have taken an active part in the Global War on Terror, whether as first responders protecting the homeland, as servicemembers overseas, as diplomats and intelligence officers, or in other roles;

(2) honors the sacrifices of the United States Armed Forces and of partners in the Coalition, and of the Iraqis and Afghans who fight alongside them, especially those who have fallen or been wounded in the struggle, and honors as well the sacrifices of their families and of others who risk their lives to help defend freedom;

(3) declares that it is not in the national security interest of the United States to set an arbitrary date for the withdrawal or redeployment of United States Armed Forces from Iraq;

(4) declares that the United States is committed to the completion of the mission to create a sovereign, free, secure, and united Iraq;

(5) congratulates Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki and the Iraqi people on the courage they have shown by participating, in increasing millions, in the elections of 2005 and on the formation of the first government under Iraq’s new constitution;

(6) calls upon the nations of the world to promote global peace and security by standing with the United States and other Coalition partners to support the efforts of the Iraqi and Afghan people to live in freedom; and

(7) declares that the United States will prevail in the Global War on Terror, the noble struggle to protect freedom from the terrorist adversary.

House Donks evidently didn't bother to address the substance of any of these seven clauses, choosing instead to spout and spew and screech the same wearisome, crazoid, tinfoil hat, fever swamp BS that has been the stock-in-trade of the Kos-hacks for the past (at least) three years. It was the most dramatic illustration yet of how the Great American Political Divide, having no common ground whatsoever and thus nothing to actually say to each other, talks angrily past each other instead.

To that point the process differed little from its Senate counterpart. Then came the vote:

House Resolution 861 passed by a vote of 256 in favor, 153 opposed....[all but four of them Democrats]
You read that right. Of the 191 Donks present, 149 of them - 78% of the minority caucus - voted to dishonor all the Americans who have taken an active part in the Global War on Terror; dishonor the sacrifices of the United States Armed Forces and of partners in the Coalition, and of the Iraqis and Afghans who fight alongside them, along with their families; declare that surrendering to the already defeated terrorists is in the national security interest of the United States; abandon Iraq to those terrorists and their enemy sponsors in Iran and Syria; tell Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki and the Iraqi people to go to hell; tell the rest of the world that the word of the United States means nothing, that bin Laden was right about us after the bug-out from Mogadishu, and that they'd better make their peace with the Global Caliphate while there's still time to visit the neighborhood prayer rug emporium; and enthusiastically embrace the crushing, fiery defeat in the GWOT that America truly deserves.

The last time the House held an up or down vote on cutting and running seven months ago, it failed 403-3.

Why would 146 additional House Democrats stampede off the Kos cliff? And at the very time when it would seem that turning against the war isn't such a hot idea after all?

Something about "having nothing more to lose" comes to mind. What else could such a mass public confession of Ameriphobic conversion be but a not-so-implicit concession that regaining either House of Congress is the partisan pipedream it always has been (despite the GOP's best efforts)?

Well, it could be an indication that Murtha's Disease isn't an isolated mental malady. In which case al Donka, once again, will never know what hit them.

UPDATE 6/19: One of the venues to which Haw-Haw Murtha wants to "redeploy" U.S. forces from Iraq - Okinawa!

Yeah, that's right, Okinawa. The basis of this claim is that Zarqawi was bombed (ostensibly from aircraft that could have come from outside Iraq) and therefore why not just pull chalks and slink back to Oki where we could comfortably launch bombing missions at will.

Of course this ignores the six week 24/7 Taskforce 145 "Unblinking Eye" intelligence and surveillance operation that led to having a Delta SR team with eyes on target and designating it with a laser. Apparently Murtha thinks that somebody called 1-800-ZARQAWI with 10 digit grid coordinates and voila! an F-16 launches from Okinawa and 10-12 hours later... poof, no more Zarqawi. Let's take a look at that infiltration shall we?....

[T]he distance from Okinawa to Baghdad as the crow approximately 4,200 nautical miles [and runs straight across Red China and Iran]. Obviously, the Chinese and the Iranians wouldn't be cool with that, but let's just roll with it. The max combat range for the F-16 with external fuel tanks and 2,000 lbs of ordnance is 740 nautical miles so that's like a minimum of SIX midair refuelings in EACH direction.

This little display is hardly worth putting together, but I did it to demostrate that this man is dangerously deluded and not at all serious about an issue of critical national security significance. He is out there in the MSM just winging it and not being called to account whatsoever for statements that are so outlandish and absurd that they defy all attempts at comprehension.

Powerline's post on this gaffe points out two other interesting details about Murtha's underrated grasp of geography.

1) We agreed last October to begin redeploying U.S. forces out of Okinawa to Guam. Something of which one would expect a "military expert" like Jack Scat to be aware. So add an additional thousand or so miles and an extra mid-air refueling to his proposed "on another planet" Iraq strike force.

2) That redeployment would put American forces as far from Iraq as if they were moved instead to....the east coast of the United States. And isn't "bring the troops home" the al Donka rallying cry?

Murtha would make himself look like less of an ass - or at least like he is in possession of a rudimentary sense of direction - if he'd just stick to that script. At least that way he'd just look like a traitor, instead of an escaped resident of the dementia ward at the Beltway old folks home.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Think he'd settle for redeploying back to Somalia? Me neither....