Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Metaphorical Middle Finger

Here is what I meant this morning - and a representative sample reason why the Republicans will hold the House of Representatives in November:

ANNOUNCER: (Twilight Zone theme song) If you're a conservative Republican, watching the news these days can make you feel as though you are in...The Twilight Zone. Americans are under attack from Islamic extremists in every corner of the world. Homosexuals are mocking holy matrimony, and the lesbians and feminists are attacking everything sacred. Liberal judges have completely rewritten the Constitution. You can burn the American flag and kill a million babies a year, but you can't post the Ten Commandments or say "God" in public.

CHILDREN: One nation, under - Shhh!

ANNOUNCER: Seven out of every ten black children are born out of wedlock, and Jackson and Sharpton claim the answer is racial quotas - and the aliens are here, but they didn't come in a spaceship. They came across our unguarded Mexican border by the millions.

VERNON ROBINSON: I'm Vernon Robinson. If you send me to Congress, I'll send that back to the Twilight Zone. I approve of this message, and of traditional American values. (Leave It to Beaver theme song)

I almost wish I could move to North Carolina just so I could have the right to vote for this man. And my congressman is already a Republican.

Shades of gray and pale pastels and tip-toeing through the public policy tulips aren't going to get the job done for the House GOP. That kind of (non-)thinking is precisely what got them in such hot water in the first place. Which should make it obvious that their base is chomping at the bit to see their guys and gals swing for the fences once again. And isn't that what get-out-the-vote efforts are all about?

It's appearing as if they're figuring that out just in time. Now if they can only let Vernon Robinson lead the way, the pertinent question will switch to how many seats the majority is going to gain.

UPDATE 6/26: Jay Cost makes yet another convincing case why 2006 will not be another 1994, - in any sense of the term.

UPDATE II: Meanwhile, John Fund argues persuasively that John Murtha is, in fact, precisely the man to lead House Democrats - to another crushing defeat in November.