Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Northern Offensive

[posted by Kay Ryan]

Canadian Police arrested an "Al Qaeda-inspired" (weasel word:ww) terror cell. Seventeen Canadian citizens or legal residents had amassed three tons of ammonium nitrate and other components necessary to create explosive devices(ww); iow, a BIG BOMB or 3 BOMBS as powerful as the BOMB that leveled the Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

However, not to worry. (rolling eyes) Canadian officials assure us that the USA was not in any danger. (Does that make you feel all cuddly and safe?) Except that their homegrown boys had graduated from the "inspired" Terror Camp in Toronto and were nabbed in Georgia. That's Georgia, USA. The alumni's names were Syed Ahmed and Ehsanul Sadequee and both were accused of plotting attacks on oil refineries and military bases in the USA. BUT again the Canadians assure us that the USA is in NO imminent danger from the Islamic immigrants that received immediate asylum AND free federal health care, with the papers to prove it. Would they (wouldn't you?) use their Canadian documentation to legally enter the USA through the northern border and DO...who knows what? Not according to the trusty Liberals up North..who assure us that their terrorists will only bomb targets in Ontario and Toronto.

Why is it so hard for Canadians to call a spade a spade? To recognize that these Canadian citizens are radical Islamic terrorists who live and breathe among them; whose targets are not in Canada but in the Big Apple and points south? Is anyone surprised that there has never been a terrorist attack in Canada? The prime piece of real estate is in the United States; their prize too close to our norther border for comfort...New York City.

If you can do it there, you do it there?