Sunday, July 02, 2006

Crazy Nancy Mona Charen's Caddy

On her new NRO blog, Mona Charen wrote the following about the roots of the Left's Ameriphobia:

When I wrote Useful Idiots, I speculated about the motives of American liberals and leftists who more or less openly rooted for America's enemies. Some of this behavior was attributable to romantic attachment to the idea of Marxism, which many had absorbed to varying degrees at our "best" universities. But the advent of the current war against Islamofascism has been clarifying. For here is an enemy, unlike, say, the Sandinistas or the Soviets, that makes no pretense (however empty) of representing the poor; that condemns and deplores that beacon of liberalism, the Enlightenment; that cheerfully oppresses women and minorities; and that celebrates the stoning of homosexuals. And yet even against this enemy, the American Left cannot help but hope for American failure.

I was reminded of Mrs. Charen's words when House Minority Leader "Crazy Nancy" Pelosi made this exultant statement after the Supreme Court issued its Hamden decision:

"Today the Supreme Court decision reaffirms the American ideal that all are entitled to the basic guarantees of our justice system. This is a triumph of the rule of law. The rights of due process are among our most cherished liberties and today's decision is a rebuke of the Bush Administration's detainee policies and a reminder of our responsibility to protect both the American people and our constitutional rights. We cannot allow the values on which our country was the founded to become a casualty in the war on terrorism." [emphasis added]
It isn't often that Rush Limbaugh is left at a loss for words. This was one of them. There was a pause of several seconds - which, for Limbaugh, is almost an eternity - and then:

God....The woman is deranged.

This wasn't said irreverently or angrily; it was said in utter incredulity. As though Rush could not believe what he had just read.

After another pregnant pause, the outrage built from there, beginning with this:

Do you realize she has just equated our enemy with you, the United States citizens? This is unbelievable.

No, it's entirely believable. Liberals long ago abandoned the ability to make moral distinctions, even as they became moral supremacists who mistook, and gussied up, their own delusional, self-centered narcissism as unapproachable virtue. It is that impentrably vapid megalomania that leads the woman who looks like an embalmed Loretta Lynn to celebrate as a moral triumph the rank amorality of equating the demonic Islamic jihadists who would massacre every last one of us if given the chance (that the SCOTUS and New York Times have offered up) with...well, every last one of us.

This is of a piece with the "open borders" mentality of the Left, really. "All" are entitled to the guarantees of our justice system. ALL. Even enemy aliens who have nothing but contempt for them, who are at war with our justice system, our values, our culture, and our very civilization, and who cannot possibly be kept at bay from eradicating all of the above if we extend to them the constitutional protections for which they do not qualify and to which they are not entitled by the very stipulations of international law that people like her think this abominable ruling upheld.

I harken back to what Wizbang said about NYT editor Bill Keller's attitude in defending his paper's outing of the Swift terrorist finance tracking program:

Dear Reader:

1) We have no reason to believe the program was illegal in any way.

2) We have every reason to believe it was effective at catching terrorists.

3) We ran the story anyway, screw you.

Only with Crazy Nancy it's worse, because she doesn't even acknowledge the good that the Bush Administration has done in protecting America from attack since 9/11. She doesn't even acknowledge we're at war. And she'd happily return us to the insane "law enforcement" model that left us wide open to attack in the first place, convinced to the moment of her beheading that she was "protecting American values" by allowing the country that upheld them to be overrun and destroyed.

Hey, I don't call her "Crazy Nancy" for nothing. And it's seditious idiocies like these that make it less and less likely that anybody will be calling her "Madame Speaker" any time soon.