Sunday, July 16, 2006

In A Nutshell

Well, if this doesn't show you what the Democrats are made of, nothing will:

Via Ramesh Ponnuru, Carville & Greenberg's latest strategy memo on, among other things, gay marriage: "We hate this issue but we promise you that the Republicans will run hard on this issue, as it is critical for their dislodged voters and those in rural areas. That the Democrat believes marriage is between a man and a woman is among the strongest reassurance for older blue collar voters, seniors and those in rural areas. If this is what a candidate believes, it is important to say it.

"If I might throw in my two cents, I would further strongly urge Democrats who don't believe marriage is between a man and a woman but who feel they ought to pretend to believe this in order to win elections (a plausible position) need to do a better job of pretending. I've heard a shockingly large number of politicians say things, in rooms where journalists are present, that make it perfectly clear that they think gay marriage is just fine but that the voters aren't ready for it. That's a sensible thing to believe, but you can't go around saying it if you're trying to win votes. If you're going to lie, then lie -- and lie convincingly!

The Democrats in a nutshell. Make people believe you're something you're not. Isn't it sad that they have to have meetings and policy memos in order to figure out what they believe? order to figure out how to LIE to make people THINK you believe a certain way? Must be awful to live like that. I wonder if there are any real, honest people left in the Democratic leadership. People who just are who they are, no matter what others think. The Democrats have been so deeply Clintonized that I'm not sure it's possible for an honest person to run for office as a Democrat. They have become a loathsome bunch, not worthy to represent the United States and yet look at their positions of power. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry? There is not an ounce of character between them, and yet they are held up as model Democrats. Ugh.