Saturday, July 15, 2006

Israel Must Win

[posted by Rich]

A day or so ago, I heard a "reporterette" make the comment in "reporting" on the Israeli "invasion" of the "Palestine lands" that Israel had killed seventy innocent civilians and almost all of them were women and children.

A few things came to mind:

1) There is no such thing as a war in which "innocent civilians" will not be killed. War is not an antiseptic operation; it is messy, deadly, and NOT a computer game!

2) Now, as in the past, the "world" wants Israel to show "restraint". This is utter bunk! And here is why:

a) Israel is a geographically small nation who lacks easily defensible borders.

b) Israel is surrounded by people and nations who utterly hate her presence. In fact, as recently as this week, Iran reiterated their intent to destroy Israel and her people. How do you "negotiate" in the face of that rhetoric? You can't.

c) Israel has repeatedly (notably in 1967 and 1973) bowed to the demands of the world and it has always come to naught.

d) Had the "Palestinians" listened to Israel in 1948, they would have gotten their state, they could have had it in '67 and '73, and had they agreed to give up their position of destroying Israel, they would have much more land then can ever hope to get today. They lost their chance.

e) Every time Israel has agreed (most recently unilaterally) to show restraint and not finish the job, it has come back to haunt her. Be it "routine" rockets, suicide bombers, car bombs, whatever, no amount of "restraint" has worked. It doesn't work with a school yard bully and it sure has never worked with the bullies of the world. Remember Hitler and the Sudetenland?

3) That reporterette, and other liberals in our nation as well, and certainly the (useless) UN, would do well to ask themselves how many "innocents" have died because Israel showed "restraint" and never completed the task of stopping the bully on the block? It is very likely those seventy innocents the reporterette bemoans would now be alive had Israel "finished" the job decades ago.

I submit that whenever a person or a nation cowers in the face of evil, they are on the road to terror and never-ending strife and war.

This time, I hope that Israel continues until the last known Hamas or Hezbollah thug is lying on the street, dead. Then, and only then, will Israel (and the "Palentinians") have the hope of peace in this life.

There is no other alternative to Israel as she stands alone; the world will not help and have shown repeatedly their true cowardly colors. Let this not be another Munich nor another slogan of "peace in our time". We know what that has gotten us.

If Israel stands tall she will end the terror; if she capitulates, then she is doomed to her demise and the world will be propelled into the abyss of terror upon which we now stand.