Monday, October 30, 2006

What a Weekend

All I can do is marvel at the empty suits and absolutely awful people the Democrats offer as candidates. Harold Ford is now attempting to make himself look like an evangelical who loves the Lord more than the Republicans, of course. And Jim Webb? Ewww...what kind of man spews out THAT kind of crap? Certainly not one who deserves the honor of serving in the U.S. Senate. We have had enough of sexually immature deviancy in high places in the recent past, thank you. Bob Menendez is a crook, plain and simple. That he is even a viable candidate is an outrage, in my opinion. I could go on and on.

It bothers me that the reins of power are even close to being in the hands of someone like Nancy Pelosi. And Harry Reid? Why isn't there wall to wall coverage of his shady business practices? Yes...because he's a Democrat, that's why. He is a foul man with a foul disposition who should be sitting at home watching football games, not a powerful force in the Senate. I've noticed they've kept him pretty much out of the picture these last couple of weeks. For obvious reasons.

Oh...I'll be glad when this election is over. Hopefully, we'll still have our majorities. If not, we'll just have to deal with it and hope they don't do too much damage. Not very comforting, is it? GET OUT AND VOTE!