Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Well, MY day certainly got off to an irritating start. I work at the Post Office part-time, and while sorting flats this morning I came across this week's Newsweek. Guess what's on the front cover? A picture of some military guys, and the caption: WE'RE LOSING, BUT ALL IS NOT LOST.


Could it be any more obvious that nearly every major publication is carrying water for the Democrats??

JASmius adds: It's all in how you define the terms. The media highlight every last act of violence, no matter how small, in order to depict Iraq as a roiling cauldron of chaos from one end to the other, then define "victory" as the absence of violence. However, if you define "victory" as a stable, functioning democracy that is no longer a national security threat to the United States - which is, in fact, the case - then the suggestion that we're somehow "losing" is just as laughable as it sounds.

There is, in other words, reality, and there is the fantasy that the media is trying to sell into becoming reality. Defeat in Iraq - and, therefore, the GWOT - can only be self-inflicted, and it will only benefit our enemies and their militantly dhimmist collaborators who agitate against us in our very midst. And if they get their wish, if the nutters succeed in driving us out of the Middle East as the terrorists and their Iranian and Syrian masters never could, and domestic defenses like the Patriot Act and the NSA terrorist surveillance programs are dismantled in the name of "civil liberties," then when the next big homeland terrorist attack that they re-expose us to hits, you can count on the direction in which they'll still point their fingers of blame.

Frankly, I find the jihadis easier to deal with than our own liberals. With the former, everything is straightforward and out in the open: they hate us and want to kill us all, and we've got to kill them all first. It's a nasty reality, but it is at least satisyingly linear. Liberals have a death wish, a moral supremacist suicide cult, that propagandizes openly for the enemy and considers membership to be universal and compulsory, resistance to which is punishable by libel and slander and even (GASP) violence (during campaign season, anyway).

It is astonishing the degree to which the ends sought by the Islamists and the ends sought by the American left coincide. It'd make a fascinating investigatory news story, wouldn't it? Pity there's no longer any such thing as a genuinely American news media anymore. Somehow I don't think today's outposts of al-Jazeera are up to the task.