Thursday, November 09, 2006

Diebold Silence

Isn't it funny that since the Democrats won this time around, we haven't heard a peep about the Diebold machines? They already had that meme ready to go in case they lost, but apparently since they won it just wasn't a problem like the the moonbats predicted it would be. Go figure. Ann Coulter summarizes:

History was made this week! For the first time in four election cycles, Democrats are not attacking the Diebold Corp. the day after the election, accusing it of rigging its voting machines. I guess Diebold has finally been vindicated.

So the left won the House and also Nicaragua. They've had a good week. At least they don't have their finger on the atom bomb yet. Democrats support surrender in Iraq, higher taxes and the impeachment of President Bush. They just won an election by pretending to be against all three.

Yep, and enough Americans believed them, amazingly, to put them back into power. The Left has been greatly rewarded for its treason and dishonesty. Hard to believe this could happen, at least to me. I'm hoping that the short-sighted Americans who voted for them are already starting to have second thoughts. I have no doubt they will by the time two years is up. I just hope we aren't minus a few thousand Americans due to another attack when that time comes.

JASmius adds: Maybe the Democrats made Diebold a better offer....