Sunday, November 05, 2006

Either We Win, Or You Cheated

Glenn Reynolds over at Instapundit linked to this Boston Globe-Democrat story. It echoes what the lefty moonbats write in their cesspools...if they don't win, then it had to be stolen. Here's the money quote:

"[U]nless there are levels of theft and fraud that would truly mean the end of American democracy, a Democratic House seems as close to a sure thing as we ever get in American politics three days before an election... November 2006 will be remembered either as the time American democracy was stolen again, maybe forever, or began a brighter day. "

Already covering their butts...just in case.

JASmius adds: Good news and bad news....

***Conrad Burns has run down Jon Tester in Montana, according to my updated projection, reducing GOP senate losses to three seats.

***Florida-13 - Katherine Harris' old House seat - looks like it might be turning blue. That would give the Dems, according to my House projections, a sixteen-seat pickup and a three-seat majority.

Final call tomorrow.