Thursday, November 02, 2006

Countdown To Armageddon? (Part 2)

The scariest thing about the prospect of a Democratic majority in either house will be the stimulating and addictive effect of the subpoena power. Bush Administration officials of all departments and ranks will spend most of their time preparing for, attending, or dealing with the fallout from hearings, investigations, and the like. This will lead to frustration, resignations, perhaps prosecutions (contrived perjury and obstruction charges the preferred method) and impeachments (it's not just for presidents — though payback at that level will be high on the agenda). In short, two years of open warfare leading up to 2008.

-James S. Robbins

Picture the war against the war that the extreme Left has been waging for the past five years. Picture the mock impeachment hearings that would-be House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers held in the Capitol basement last year. Picture in particular the entire outrageous Plamegate saga, which the Dems were just POSITIVE was going to be Bush's Watergate, and which destroyed the career of Lewis "Scooter" Libby and came close to doing the same to Karl "The Great" Rove.

All of that bilge unfolded while Democrats were out of power and in the minority.

Now picture the Democrats in power and in the majority.

I ask of "cut & run" conservatives: what "lesson" can that possibly teach the GOP upper echelon, other than that they can't rely on the Right when they most need them? And while you don't want to hear the "lesser of two evils" and "don't let perfection be the enemy of the good" axioms, I'll guarantee you won't want to hear the shinola that spews forth from a triumphant left full of six years of pent-up revenge just waiting to be unleashed like the lancing of a Chrysler Building-sized boil once they get their hooves back on the levers of power.

If the Democrats get back in, it means all-out political civil war.

There's only one way for Republicans to prevent it - get out and vote next Tuesday.