Friday, November 10, 2006

Taking Notes?

Well, I hope the lefty moonbats are taking notes on how adults act when they lose. Many races on Tuesday were very close, yet you don't see Republicans putting the country through hissy fits, recounts, and accusations of cheating.

Last night was the first night since the election that I've gotten a good night's sleep. Life goes on. This morning I saw on the front page of a newspaper Jim Webb at his victory rally holding up his son's combat boots. I couldn't help but could he join a party that is committed to undermining everything his son and his comrades are trying to do? How does he reconcile his son's honor and heroism with the sedition and lies of the Democrats? I understand people like Pelosi and Schumer, they have no integrity. Jim Webb seems to...I wonder how long it will take them to clean that out of him?

Well, I guess we'll see how this all plays out. I've seen so many different opinions regarding the election, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding the silver linings and I'm a pollyanna of the first order! I do know America is great enough to withstand a couple of years of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, but my biggest nagging heartache regarding this election is our military. I feel like America sold them out. Pray for them.

JASmius adds: I dunno. I think maybe I'd like to see Republicans be a bit more recriminatory. Especially since the Democrats really DO cheat and had to have been doing a helluva lot of it in the usual locales around the country. Tuesday it just happened to succeed.

Dylan Thomas once wrote: "Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage, against the dying of the light." All Donks know how to do is rage, and it made jackasses of them in the past, but as Tuesday dismayingly illustrated, it finally worked for them. The voters put them back in charge, as much for anything, as to try and shut them up.

Republicans? All we know how to do is be good losers. Which is fine in the short term, except that we never regain the fire that we need for the partisan combat that always ensues. We still labor under the obsolete notion that partisanism is only for the two or three months before Election Day, and the rest of the time is for friendly, civil, bipartisan "governing." Democrats know that the campaign never ends, and that Election Days are merely mileposts on the perpetual road of mortal combat. And thus the operative word of the above phrase is "losers." Because that's the part that lingers.

Or, once again, Democrats want power too much, and Republicans want power too little. Which is why it was imperative to keep the Democrats out of power until they recognized the need to reform themselves and rejoin the American mainstream. Now they've regained it without changing a blessed thing about themselves, their extremism, their hauteur, their fifth-column-ism, their galloping corruption. They didn't have to EARN back power. Now that it's in their unworthy hands, they'll gut the democratic process behind a paper mache facade, and America will once more be a one-party state that not even a Ronald Reagan or a Newt Gingrich can overthrow by traditional means.

It will not, in other words, be just two years of Crazy Nancy and Dirty Harry (although the damage they will do in just that amount of time in a time of war they refuse to even acknowledge will be incalculable); it is the prelude to a Clinton restoration and subsequent national collapse.

Unless, of course, perhaps, maybe, Republicans find it within their chickenhearts to fight back with something like the ferocity and determination that the Donks have mustered the past six years. Unless they elect fiery, principled conservatives like, say, John Kyl and Mike Pence their new Senate and House leaders, respectively. Unless they make as promiscuous use of the filibuster as the Democrats did lo these many years. Unless President Bush wields his heretofore dainty veto pen like a chain saw and decides to finish the war by liberating Syria and Iran. Hell, the Donks are already going to impeach him no matter how far he sticks his tongue up Crazy Nancy's skirt - might as well earn it and accomplish something for the country's survival in the bargain.

Uh-huh. That's about as likely as Tuesday's election results should not have been. And for the self-same reasons.

Hope you've brought more than just an overnight bag on this wilderness trip, keeds. It's gonna be a long one indeed.

Jenny replies: Well, I have to admit I would have liked to see Allen ask for a recount. That one was too close, and the Dems could have stolen that one. However, my comment above was more aimed at the stupid moonbats who made up stories about irregularities out of whole cloth in the last 3 elections and then demanded action. The same jerks who scream about voting reform oppose common sense measures like photo ID requirements to vote.

I don't have quite as dark an outlook as Jim regarding our current predicament, but as I said before it is awful hard to find the silver linings. I don't like what I've seen from President Bush so far, his conciliatory tone towards those who are lying about wanting to "work together" is just about to make me gag. I hope he doesn't tuck his tail between his legs and let himself be whipped by those jackals.

I'm taking off to Chicago for an Irish dance competition this weekend...just what I need. Chin up, guys, we'll get through this.