Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Brainless Behar At It Again

I've never seen The View, the snippets on news sites and blogs are enough to keep me away from it. Not to mention I don't think I could sit and look at Rosie O'Donnell, much less listen to her, for more than 5 minutes. She has a close rival in the stupidity department, though, in Joy Behar, to wit:

The women of The View did it again.

Specifically Joy Behar, who during a discussion Monday about Time magazine's 'Person of the Year' selection, likened former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to ... Adolf Hitler.

"You have to put, like, a Hitler type [on the cover]," Behar said in response to a question about whether Time's selection of "You" was appropriate.

"Like, you put Donald Rumsfeld there, or something," she said.

The show's audience — even show diva Rosie O'Donnell — was stunned by the comment, and as many began to jeer, Behar feigned surprise and yelled, "What's wrong with that?"

What were the producers thinking when they hired THIS wench?

JASmius adds: Once, just once, I'd like to see one of these gilded, self-righteous, empty-headed neoBolsheviks get their head figuratively ripped off from our side of the aisle for uttering slurs like this - and yes, even a literal punch in the nose wouldn't be out of the bounds of decorum, either.

Civility and being "the adults" and "staying above it all" and the "New Tone" have all become high-sounding euphemisms for honorless wimpery. We don't have to extract symmetric justice by libeling them (although that would be a lot harder to do), but for heaven's sake, how about a little righteous indignation? Or at least some minimum level of self-respect? At what point after taking so much crap do you start turning into it, and even deserve the contempt in which you are so conspicuously held?