Monday, January 22, 2007

We Need A Conservative!!

I can't help but agree with Rush here. I can't get real excited about any of the Republicans who are in the presidential running so far. I do like Mitt Romney, I guess he would be my favorite so far. But...there's something lacking. How I long for another Ronald Reagan! I don't know if we'll see another of his caliber in our lifetimes. That's what this country needs right now, no doubt about it.

To think that McCain or Guiliani might be our candidate is a bit depressing. No doubt they would be better than any alternative the Democrats have to offer, but neither qualifies as a conservative in my book. Not even close. We need a Conservative with a capital "C." Wonder if there are any out there.

JASmius adds: Why else do you think President Rodham is inevitable?

Jenny replies: Well, as you know that's one thing I disagree with you on! I don't think Hillary will be elected. I think if she is on the ticket the Republican base will come out in droves, even if we do nominate a squishy middle-of-the-roader. Indeed, her candidacy may be the thing that puts the Republicans back in power in 2008.

JASmius responds: the GOP base allegedly came out in droves this past November, if belatedly. "Independents," however, did also and voted overwhelmingly Democrat. Given that they had been voting GOP because of national security, and Bush's failure to eliminate Syria and Iran has guaranteed an endless "insurgency" in Iraq, discrediting pretty much the entire war effort, and that discrediting is unlikely to change in the next two years, and Hillary will be allowed to assume whatever pleasing shape she chooses, and the American electorate appears nostalgic for the days of Clinton mass bamboozling....

Well, do the math. It's not a complicated equation.