Friday, February 02, 2007

Dems, Press Not Interested In Truth

Now, I know that title is not, like, a big surprise or anything, but take a look at this Investors Business Daily editorial regarding Bush's handling of the economy. Say what you will about the man, this economy is booming, and is doing so despite a lot of bad stuff happening during Bush's administration. For example:

So what's the real record? Since Bush's tax cuts took effect in mid-2003:

• Real gross domestic product is up to $1.33 trillion, or 12.6%.
• Existing businesses have hired 5.9 million workers (not counting the millions of jobs entrepreneurs have created).
• Corporate profits have soared 91% to $1.6 trillion.
• Tax receipts have leapt $503 billion, or roughly 1.1 percentage points of GDP, refuting the notion the tax cuts "caused" deficits.

And thanks to rebounding stock prices and huge gains in home values, Americans' total wealth has soared 39% to $54 trillion — the biggest expansion ever.

There's lots more, check out the article. As the author says, the Dems and the press can't let the facts get in the way of their Bush-bashing, so we simply do not hear about this. More from the article:

Where are we today? "Across our nation," Bush said Wednesday, "small businesses and entrepreneurs are creating millions of new jobs. Retail sales are up, consumer spending is strong, exports of goods and services have jumped by nearly 35%. The Dow (industrial average) has set records 26 times in the past four months. Productivity is strong, and that's translating into higher wages."

Every word true. And yet, our newspapers and TV talking heads are obsessed with stories of mass "inequality" and "middle-class squeeze" and "jobs shipped abroad" and "falling behind."

It's a real shame we can't get the news from our major news sources in America any more. It's a darn good thing we have the Internet, talk radio, and Fox News, or we'd never know any of this. Of course, the libs are trying to silence conservative talk radio with the Hush Rush bill, or as they prefer to call it, the "Fairness Doctrine". Yeah, they're all for free speech, for themselves.

JASmius adds: Oh, we'll get the truth about the Bush boom from the Enemy Media, alright - two years from now, when they're calling it the "Clinton recovery"....