Thursday, March 15, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth (For Fat Albert)

It's called The Great Global Warming Swindle, an astonishingly hard-hitting documentary that dares to challenge the entrenched false religion of global warming and expose its obnoxious, Stalinist champions for the naked emperors that they really are. Which, in Al Gore's case, is a mixed favor, aesthetically speaking.

See also the outstanding Calgary Sun column on this genuine documentary.

I don't expect either to even slow down the West's headlong flight toward climate hoax-induced economic disaster. But at least when we're all rag-clad refugees selling apples on street corners and huddled in caves around fires trying to stay warm at night while two-faced zealots like Ozone Man still reside in their overheated mansions and fly around on their private, gas-guzzling jets, none of us can say that we weren't warned before buying the hyped-up BS the accursed swindlers were selling us.

[h/t: Powerline]