Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Run, Fred, Run!

Okay, I'm officially in the Fred Thompson camp now. Cal Thomas has a piece up regarding his views on things, and he is far and away the most conservative of anyone we have to choose from right now. Here are a few comments:

In an interview with Fox's Chris Wallace last month, Mr. Thompson gave refreshingly direct answers to questions. On Iraq: "We're the leader of the Free World whether we like it or not. People are looking to us to test our resolve. ... People think that if we hadn't gone down there [to Iraq], things would have been lovely. ... If Saddam Hussein were still around today with his sons looking at Iran developing a nuclear capability, he undoubtedly would have reconstituted his nuclear capability. Things would be worse than they are today."

Yes, we made mistakes in Iraq, Mr. Thompson says. "We went in there too light, wrong rules of engagement, wrong strategy, placed too much emphasis on just holding things in place while we built up the Iraqi army, took longer than we figured. Wars are full of mistakes. You rectify things. I think we're doing that now."

Abortion? "Pro-life. ... I think Roe vs. Wade was bad law and bad medical science. And the way to address that is through good judges."

Homosexual rights? "I think that we ought to be a tolerant nation. I think we ought to be tolerant people. But we shouldn't set up special categories for anybody. ... Marriage is between a man and a woman and I don't believe judges ought to come along and change that."

As for "civil unions," Mr. Thompson thinks it should be left up to the states.

Gun control? Mr. Thompson is "against it generally."

Thompson isn't afraid to say what he believes, in plain language and not politic-speak. Ever hear a direct answer from a Democrat? I mean other than Kucinich? He's not afraid to display how daffy he is. The rest of them are.

Mitt Romney is my second choice if Thompson decides not to run...but I sure hope he goes for it.

JASmius adds: Senator Thompson would have the one thing that George W. Bush most sorely lacks: the ability, and the willingness, to communicate. Oh, his resume is all wrong - never been a chief executive, eight years in the Senate, where he didn't exactly distinguish himself investigating Bill Clinton's Chinese funny-money scandal - but the same is true of Hillary, which would negate those shortcomings. And I think that Thompson would be a warmer, more reassuring presence on a debate stage than Mrs. Clinton could ever hope to be.

With Fred Thompson carrying the GOP banner, at the very least, our side would have no excuses after Hillary won.

Or if she won. Who knows? Didn't we have a president who was a former actor not that long ago? Seems to me he did pretty well for himself....