Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Who Killed Immigration Amnesty?

Alright, so that may be a bit premature. But Admiral Morrissey has already staked a preliminary claim to the honor:

The Hill reports this morning that conservative Republicans in the House have plans to derail the Senate immigration compromise based on a procedural matter. The bill includes tax policy, which according to the Constitution, has to originate in the House, and some Republicans have lined up to issue a "blue slip" stop to the legislation on that basis....

How is this my fault? During a blogger conference call with Senator John McCain, one of the bill's architects, I mentioned a Boston Globe story that reported the removal of a requirement to pay back taxes before entering either the Z-visa or Y-visa program....McCain was surprised by this question; he hadn't heard about the removal of the requirement. According to The Hill, McCain went back and reinstated the provision after my question.

Thus providing a loose end that some House (conservative) Republicans may use to unravel the entire misbegotten McCain-Kennedy perfidy, and save their party from disaster in the process.

Is Ed being tongue-in-cheek here? Or could the fatal blow ultimately come from, of all places, this week's Miss Universe pageant:

The United States government is on the verge of approving a mass amnesty to millions of illegal aliens — a plan pushed aggressively by meddling Mexican officials who reap billions of dollars in remittances (illegal aliens’ earnings sent back to Mexico) without having to lift a finger to clean up their own country.

And the thanks we get? Internationally televised public humiliation.

On Monday night, the beautiful young woman who represented America in the Miss Universe pageant was booed and mocked as she competed on stage in Mexico City. Rachel Smith, 22, did her best to respond with grace and dignity during the top-five finalists’ interview segment as the audience disrupted the event. As soon as co-host Vanessa Minnillo invited Miss USA to pick a judge’s name from a bowl of index cards, widespread howls broke out at the mere mention of “USA.” The verbal derision continued as judge Tony Romo asked Smith to pick one moment in her life she would relive.

Definitely not this one.

As Double-M goes on to expound, this is far from the first time something like this has happened in Mexico, including during the erstwhile halcyon Clinton years when Mr. Bill went all over the globe tendering apologies for every anti-American grievance and "the world" supposedly loved us. Seems like no matter what we do, "furiners" still hate our guts, even as they demand our money and slurp up our culture.

Certainly puts illegal immigration in its proper context, doesn't it? Sure isn't the idealized Horatio Alger-ian picture history provides us of the immigration wave of the late nineteenth-century when eastern and southern Europeans wanted to come to America to be a part of our country. They genuinely loved America, eschewed the Balkanization of hyphenation, and defined "seeking a better life" as the opportunity to work and make something of themselves instead of sucking the country dry and flipping the economically dessicated remains the bird.

Makes it all the more incredible that bipartisan Beltway elites can actually be baffled at the hurricane of public rage at spectres such as....

[T]he White House continues to attack opponents of the Bush-Kennedy amnesty package as “nativists.” Conservative columnist Linda Chavez accused amnesty critics of “not liking Mexicans.” Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff suggested enforcement advocates wanted to “execute” illegal aliens. And Republican Senator Lindsay Graham trashed immigration enforcement proponents as “bigots” in front of the ethnocentric, open-borders group La Raza.

Lindsay Graham need only click here to know what I think of him. Here I will only say that it isn't the Admiral or Miss Smith who are fitting McCain-Kennedy II for its legislative toe tag; it's people like the President, like Miss Chavez, like Secretary Chertoff, and like Lindsay F'ing Graham. And like Darth Queeg, another RINO we can do without, who sent his never-was presidential campaign to the bottom for a monstrosity of a bill to whose opponents he presented, wittingly or unwittingly, the proverbial knife.

So thank you, Senator McCain, for, in the President's words, "doing the right thing for America." You won't look at it that way, but then, who gives a rat's ass what you think?