Friday, June 01, 2007

The Best Defense Is At Least 4%

Consider the following four videos Responsible Defense Spending In Time Of War And Aftermath 101:

Then check out this executive memorandum from the Heritage Foundation. Summarized, it states flatly that defense spending must be AT LEAST 4% of GDP, or else the military will be...:

***Too small

***Unable to sustain operations in the War Against Islamic Fundamentalism


***Stuck with aging, obsolete weaponry

Moreover, Heritage also argues that in order to support the level of military spending we'll need for the foreseeable future, this will require....:

***Cutting non-defense spending

***Cutting taxes (or at least not raising them again)

***Refraining from inflating the money supply

Given who's going to be elected president next November, you can see the magnitude of peril the nation is in.

I'd suggest to the current President that he get the bug out of his ass that is driving him to combust his legacy and his party, drop his open borders obsession, and try to fix the mess he's made. In fact, I do suggest it. But at this late stage of the game I rather doubt that he gives a damn what "bigots" like me think anymore - even though we, and not he, truly want "what's best for America".

To say nothing of the Republican Party.