Monday, July 09, 2007

Killing The Golden Goose

I've been meaning to post the Enemy Media's depiction continuum of a booming economy under a Republican administration, but Brother Meringoff beat me to it while I was sawing logs the last two afternoons:

It's interesting to trace the grievances against the economy during the Bush Administration over time. The progression goes something like this: recession; jobless recovery; the creation of too many low wage jobs; new jobs too concentrated in high paying categories.

The context for this observation was in the first graf:

The Labor Department reported good news on the employment front yesterday. The economy gained 132,000 jobs last month, and wages rose 4% over the past year. In addition, the job growth figures for April and May were revised substantially upward to 122,000 and 190,000, respectively.

How it must infuriate libs to see supply-side, free-market economics vindicated so irrefutably. This post-9/11 boom is the product of the Bush tax cuts, plain and simple. And they cannot abide that reality; it goes against every fibre of their blind Marxian dogma, which holds that true prosperity for all can only come from the welfare state. This is why Mrs. Clinton clucks and squawks about "shared prosperity," a code phrase for equalizing misery. Clintonomics, you'll recall, was the impoverishment of the middle class under cover of punishing the "wealthy". It is the bureaucratic insertion of a classist glass ceiling that isolates the "rich," coerces and/or corrupts them into co-optation by the Democrats, while the rest of the American populace become dependent wards of the state.

Sounds far-fetched, doesn't it? Makes you wonder how ostensibly sane, intelligent adult human beings can give themselves over to such long and thorougly discredited Stalinist mythology.

I do not pretend to understand the left-wing mind. To succeed would be to undermine my own sanity. But one thing is certain - they're not kidding. And this is one way they plan to do it:

In order to decrease carbon emissions by 33%, we would have to remove every existing car and truck from the road (yes, that includes your hybrid), ground every airplane, and shut down every gas station in the United States. In order to bump up from there to a 73% decrease in emissions, we would have to shut down most of our electrical grid, with the exception of areas supplied only by nuclear plants, windmills, and dams.

No computers, no lights, no cars, no air conditioning. We’ve entered the third world already, and we’re still not anywhere near the 90% reductions that some respected climate scientists say we need immediately in order to save the planet.
The third world or Gilligan's Island. And we know that in reality, the Castaways would have perished on that God-forsaken atoll long before even the series' three year run was over. Though I suppose that if Gilligan himself had survived, he might have devolved (morally and intellectually) into Al Gore, who qualifies as a "respected climate scientist" in the eyes of the Enemy Media.

David Freddoso tells the "inconvenient truth" that to essentially terminate all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, one would have to terminate the entire American population. If that sounds an awful lot like the ultimate objective of Iran and al Qaeda, I guarantee you, it's no coincidence.

The only other way to bring about this arbitrary, ideological end without our economic annihilation would be to somehow come up with an economical way of producing the same or greater amount of energy carbon-free. Which is a little like the eternal search for diets that keep the flab off, water that runs uphill, and perpetual motion machines. Perhaps eventually - think "centuries" - we'll advance technologically to the point where fusion reactors and Cochrane generators and matter-energy replicators can liberate civilization from dependence upon the burning of fossil fuels. But that ain't happening in a single generation, any more than the flying cars and moonbases and manned Jupiter missions that were depicted in my childhood to be arriving at the turn of the twenty-first century are filling up my TV and computer screens today. While the lefties are acid tripping, why not wish for a magic wand and a fairy godparent while they're at it? Who knows what Cosmo and Wanda might be able to come up with?

Such is the conceit of Democrats that they don't think they need any mystical help, because they believe if they just legislate enough, they can accomplish anything:

[T]he whole idea is to cause pain. That is the only way to interpret Senate Environment and Public Works Chairwoman Barbara Boxer’s statement to a conference call of reporters on Friday. Boxer has proposed a bill with goals not unlike Gore’s — to require an 80% carbon-emissions reduction by 2050.

“I’ve been in these conversations with this administration, and their claim is that technology can solve this problem (global warming) without controls on carbon emissions,” said Boxer. “But everyone has told us, including business leaders, that to drive the investment in these technologies that are going to solve our global-warming challenge, we need to have clear limits on carbon pollution.”

Just so everybody is still on the same page, this is I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E. Even the greenstremist EUnuchs never even bothered to pretend to try to attain the comparatively modest carbon emission reduction standards of the Kyoto Protocol, much less near total carbon elimination. Why? Because they didn't want to commit economic suicide. Which is why Kyoto was a dead letter from day one, long before George W. Bush ever decided to run for president. And if that hadn't been enough to nullify it, the free passes given to India and Red China to "pollute" up a storm certainly were. It was a premeditated international economic mugging of the world's largest economy - OURS - but it could only succeed if we were stupid enough to cooperate in our own pauperization.

The Stalinocrats, feeling their oats and convinced of their long-denied political manifest destiny, have reached this threshold of lunacy. And in a short year and a half, they'll have Hillary Clinton in the White House to sign such Goreian economic death warrants.

Or perhaps not. But with so many other golden goose-slaying initiatives in the Donk hopper - from nationalized health care to the looming hydra-headed entitlements crunch to the growing certainty of another catastrophic Islamist attack in the homeland - it appears to be a question not of if the second Great Depression will come, but when.

One thing is certain - it'll be all the fault of George W. Bush and his damnable tax cuts. And the time between Mrs. Clinton's election and the Collapse will be dubbed "the second Clinton Recovery." Once the Enemy Media are finished waving their propaganda wands, nobody will know anything else.