Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Lieutenant Kerry Takes Enemy Fire

Here’s further anecdotal evidence as to why John Kerry’s candidacy is doomed.

[O]n Wednesday night, after Kerry had returned to Nantucket from Nashville, a candidate with a sense of where he stood in his campaign might have returned to his palatial estate and told reporters that he'd watch the Republican convention in the privacy of his oak-lined study even if he didn't intend to.

Instead, candidate Kerry took his wife out to Chanticleer, the most expensive restaurant on the island, and ran up a dinner tab close to $400, not including what surely must have been a generous tip.

John and Teresa then decided it might be a good idea to walk home, thus tying up traffic for the rest of the Nantucket community, while also drawing the ire of a group, apparently college Republicans, who attempted to hit them with water balloons.
Is it any wonder that this guy has become a national laughingstock?