Friday, September 17, 2004

Self-Mutilation As An Attention-Getter

Damn, when Bob Dole gets mad, he gets good.

As Chairman of the Bush-Cheney Veterans Coalition, and as a veteran, I call on John Kerry to demand that take down their ad depicting a defeated American soldier.

It’s one thing to debate whether we should take the fight to the terrorists, but depicting an American soldier in effect surrendering in the battle against the terrorists is beyond the pale.

I cannot believe that John Kerry, who reminds us daily of his Vietnam service, would possibly approve the disgusting and demoralizing portrayal of American soldiers fighting for us in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world.

John Kerry has raised doubts about our troops' ability to maintain security as well as Iraqi's ability to decide their own future through elections. He has called the allies in Iraq "window dressing." This is all reminiscent of his appearance before a Senate Committee in 1971 where he suggested with nothing but second hand information American GIs were committing atrocities and war crimes of the worst kind in Vietnam.

This defeatist attitude undermines the great progress and sacrifices of our men and women in the military and the contributions of our allies who are fighting against terror and standing up for freedom around the world.

The politics of pessimism that is being pursued by John Kerry and the extreme liberals demonstrates they are consumed by the past with nothing to offer but attacks on the President's agenda for creating a safer world.

John, say it isn’t so and denounce this latest effort to divide Americans.”

Yeah, according to McCain-Feingold Kerry can’t do that. But that fact didn’t stop Kerry from demanding that Bush shut down the Swiftboat Vets for Truth, so sauce, goose, gander.

For my part, I’m not at all surprised at such disgusting sentiments from the Bush/America-hating left, but I am astonished on an ongoing basis to see them not just expressed with such rabid candor, but put into actual “independent” campaign commercials in battleground states. It just seems beyond belief that even the Michael Moore/George Soros loony-bin could possibly believe that this kind of blatant sedition is actually going to persuade people to turn against George W. Bush and support John Kerry.

It’s like a high school boy raping the girl he has a crush on and then asking her to the junior prom. It’s like your house is on fire, and going next door, kicking your neighbor square in the nuts, and then asking to borrow his garden hose. It’s like going to a job interview, pointing at the picture of the personnel manager’s wife on his desk and exclaiming, “WHO’s THE CUNT?!?” and then expecting to get the job.

The Democrat side of this campaign isn’t about winning anymore. It’s about venting. And maybe that always was the case.

The difference now is that they themselves are finally coming to grips with it. Which is why the remaining month and a half is going to get steadily uglier even as it becomes more and more surreal.