Tuesday, September 28, 2004

What outsourcing our foreign policy to Paris would look like

Just read it:

"France said Monday that it would take part in a proposed international conference on Iraq only if the agenda included a possible U.S. troop withdrawal, thus complicating the planning for a meeting that has drawn mixed reactions."

But that's just the appetizer - er, hors d' oeuvers - get a load of this:

"Paris also wants representatives of Iraq's insurgent groups to be invited to a conference in October or November, a call that would seem difficult for the Bush Administration to accept."

But not a Kerry administration.

This ought to be the next Bush campaign ad: John Kerry sitting across another round table in Paris from Abu Musab Zarqawi, flamboyantly gesticulating with his bloody beheading machete. Maybe Kerry could bring his ChiComm rifle along for a Nobel peace prize photo-op.

And for dessert:

"The proposed conference aims partly to enlist the help of neighboring countries like Iran and Syria to block any cross-border attempts at destabilizing Iraq or interfering with elections."

Iran and Syria? Iran and Syria?!? The two enemy powers responsible for sending thousands of "irregular" fighters streaming into Iraq? What would the French presume to offer them for their "assistance"? Syria already has Saddam's WMDs in addition to its own, as well as the nuclear know-how harvested from Saddam's nuclear scientists, and the latter are being shipped to Iran, which is a matter of months away from churning out its nuclear arsenal, and now possesses missiles with the range to reach at least part of Europe itself.

This sounds like Munich, September 1938 writ horrifyingly large. Kerry would be Neville Chamberlain, the French would be...the French, Iraq would be Czechoslovakia, and Israel...well, Israel would not, could not afford to assume the role of Poland, which was dismembered within the ensuing year. Given this scenario, it wouldn't matter if there was doubt about whether they could take out all of Iran's nuclear facilities - they would have no choice but to make the attempt.

Everybody needs to view the Bush "Peace and Security" ad spot. Repeatedly. As many times as it takes to convince every last voter that the foreign policy direction John Kerry advocates is a recipe for Armageddon.