Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Face of Desperation

John Kerry has recruited Bill Clinton - the man who can only get himself elected, and is political anthrax to everybody else for whom he campaigns - and Al Gore - the man who endorsed Howard Dean in the Dem primaries, and who, in case you haven't seen him lately, looks like an escaped mental patient - to be his "star" home stretch surrogates.

Ten to one you didn't even have to follow the link to deduce that Fat Albert will be barnstorming Florida. Like four hurricanes in six weeks wasn't punishment enough.

Meanwhile, the Terminator has been cajoled out of Gollyfornia to stump for the President in Ohio.

Seems like the respective party conventions in microcosm, doesn't it?

And we know which candidate got the bigger bounce from them, don't we?

Click here if you need a reminder.